Celebrando a la mujer más allá de la Ideología | Celebrating Women Beyond Ideologies


Saludos a todos.
Después de un largo tiempo sin ensayar versos rimados, les ofrezco estos, dedicados a la mujer en su día. Los he escrito en forma de décimas (diez versos octosílabos) y ofrecen un breve recorrido de la historia de la celebración.

After a long time without toying rhymed verses, I offer you these, dedicated to women on their day. I have written them in the form of Decimas (ten eight-syllable lines) and they offer a brief overview of the history of the celebration.


Celebrando a la Mujer más allá de la Ideología

Lo celebro y lo derrocho:
Hermoso y devoto ser;
el día de la mujer.
No siempre fue en marzo ocho.

Le cortaban un bizcocho
un veintiocho de febrero
el partido yanqui obrero;
De eso más de un siglo ya hace.
Lucha de clase subyace
desde diciembre hasta enero.

I celebrate it in style
Beautiful and devoted being;
The Women's Day
wasn't always on March eight.

They cut it a cake
on February twenty-eight
The Yankee Workers Party
That was more than a century ago.

Underlying class struggle 
From December to January.


Luego un marzo diecinueve
en la Europa comunista
pa’ votar estaba lista
la mujer que todo mueve.

Cargos públicos si debe
desempeñar como un hombre.
En Rusia cobró renombre
Alemania dio la fecha.
Fue de izquierda, no derecha,
esta fiesta, aunque le asombre.

Then, on a march nineteenth
in communist europe
ready to vote were
the women who everything can move

Public office they must
play like any good man would
in Russia it got momentum
Germany got the date fixed.

 It was the left, not the right
 who started this party, even if it amazes you.


Mujeres trabajadoras
en la Rusia de los zares,
bolcheviques por millares,
en Petrogrado mejoras
exigían sin demoras:
fin de guerra, pan y ahínco.
El zar pegó un solo brinco,
triunfaron las textileras;
del voto encienden hogueras.
Ahora hay partido y hay circo.

Working women
in the Russia of the Tsars
Bolsheviks by the thousands
in Petrograd improvements

they demanded without delay:
end of war, bread, and hard work
the tsar made a single leap
the textile workers triumphed;

of voteing rights they lit bonfires.
Now there was a party and there was circus.


En países comunistas
feriado no laborable.
Represión inevitable
Brézhnev pagó las conquistas.

Otra ola de feministas
continuaría la lucha,
pero el mundo nunca escucha
el clamor del oprimido;

sean salarios caídos
o por un bebé en la ducha.

In communist countries
Non-working holiday
With inevitable repression
Brezhnev paid for the conquests.

Another wave of feminists
would continue with the fight
But the world never listens
The cry of the oppressed

Be it for lost wages
Or for a baby in the shower.


Aunque mucho se ha logrado,
mucho queda por hacer
para dar a la mujer
su lugar más que ganado.

Muchos se han aprovechado.
Manipulan sin pudor.
Sobra cada vendedor
con campañas engañosas

Las prometen buenas mozas
(Sin derechos, sin amor).

Although much has been achieved
Much remains to be done
To give the woman
her more than earned rightful place.

Many have taken advantage.
They manipulate without shame.
there's no scarcity of seller
With deceptive campaigns

They promised good-looking girls
(without rights, without love).


Gracias por tu lectura


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Women's rights, on paper, in a constitution are one thing. In real life, another.

It's a long road ahead. For both men and women, in so many contexts, I fear.

Thank you for this.


You're right. Human rights in general seem to hard to honor and respect. It is easier to create devides, parcels that keep groups fighting among themselves, losing sight of the real enemies.
Thank you very much for stopping by.


for you


Bravo, papi! ❣️
I love your verses.

Happy woman's day for all the women of Hive 🌹
