Agent 16 has been Leaked



For those of you guys wondering what Agent I am talking about it's an Upcoming Agent for the Game Valorant. Currently, the game has 15 Agents so obviously Agent 16 right. So if I start by the looks of it this has the features of a Terminator Movie but I will also like to point out that this does have some similarities with a Fortnite Skin called the Visitor. But the look of this Agent looks pretty sick if I may add.


As of right now we haven't seen any gameplay of this new Agent but we do have the abilities and it looks pretty sick. So the name of the Agent is KAY/O and its Debuff Ability is called SUPPRESSION in which enemies will not be able to use their abilities while the SUPPRESSION ability is Live.

The next ability is called the ZERO POINT which is basically a Knife that you can throw and it explodes while SUPPRESSING the enemies in the blast radius. It probably does not do any damage but only disables abilities.


The next ability is called FLASH DRIVE which is basically a FLASH GRENADE which basically flashes the enemies nearby but it also has a cooking mechanism like Call of Duty where you can right-click and Cook the FLASH GRENADE for a second or two.

The next ability is called FRAGMENT which is like a GRENADE that blasts multiple times. To be honest I am not sure how this ability exactly works but it does a whole lot of Damage.

Now for the Ultimate Ability which is quite the doesy. The Ultimate is named NULL.cmd in which KAY/O goes berserk and starts emitting pulses of SUPPRESSIOn which disables abilities near him to a certain degree what's even more amazing is that if KAY/O gets downed his teammates could possibly revive him somehow. I am not sure how it exactly works but it sounds cool right.

