My Played Video Games Review: After Burner II for the Sega Genesis


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After Burner II is a flight simulation arcade shooter video game produced by Sega of Japan in 1987. The 2nd and last game in the After Burner series. It was successfully ported to the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive in 1990.

Playing the arcade version was too damn expensive in the malls during the early 1990s. So I was finally glad to play this toned-down home console version. Funny thing is, the game box featured an F-15 Eagle fighter jet on the cover when the game's hero fighter plane was really an F-14 Tomcat.

The Story

You fly off the aircraft carrier, there's no time to hesitate! You are caught in the target locks of enemy aircraft. They're closing at high mach speed, as your cannons start blasting. Burn through a sky of flying metallic debris! Radar-lock on the enemies and respond with your missiles.

Nothing can prepare you for the high speed of the enemy attacks. Hit that afterburner! Dive and roll! Push your plane into a full roll as the enemy flies by so close you almost touch them. Day or night, the fast speed of battle never lets up. The intercept officer always screams, "Look out!"

Sega Genesis cartridge and box of the game (image source)

The Graphics and Sound

Not as better resolutioned and detailed as the arcade version, but your plane and the surroundings still have good details, show bright colors and lots of scrolling effect. As you fly forward, the targets are rushing towards your plane. This particular behind the plane view truly captures that After Burner feel with the amount of detail and speed!

The music sounds almost like the arcade version. The sound effects of the game come out rather well if you can connect it to a stereo or wear a headphone and play it loud.

Gameplay sample of After Burner II on the Sega Genesis

The Gameplay

You pilot an F-14 Tomcat fighter jet with the ability to hit several targets at once as you fly through 6 different missions that can last several minutes each.

In order to resupply fuel and ammo, you had to hook up with a large supply plane and replenish before heading back to battle! Your fighter jet does not really stop and get away from the action.

You take a couple of sure hits, and your plane goes down in flames. But a handy roll maneuver allows you to avoid the incoming missiles and enemy gun cannons. With five continues, you have enough opportunity to make it through the different missions which are not that hard once you get the feel of it.

The controls are great. With a little practice, you will learn how to barrel roll and keep your lock on with ease. In later missions, it is critical that you learn to roll out of the way of enemy fire, and that you use your lock-on feature with over-use/abuse. That will save your smart gaming ass.

My Verdict

After Burner II is a damn good game that is nearly looking close to the arcade version. With several exciting missions, non-stop action, and easy to use controls, you will have a hard time finding another great title like this on both the Sega Genesis and on the Super Nintendo.

Go get this one to play on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive or on emulators.

Let's keep on gaming in the free world!
