Pulled a Gold Legendary again!!!


Oh Wowww!

I honestly did not expect this gold legendary pull today and on this main account of mine to boot, the account I have labeled as 'cursed' for almost 3 years now Lol. I guess the cursed has finally been lifted off seeing that this account finally pulled something good. XD

Screenshot 2021-06-12 070835.png

As some of you might already know, it was last month where I tried something new on the game. Last month I started sending my bought packs into my other accounts to open it on there. I really believe my account was cursed or something before after buying and opening packs on this account of mine only to end up getting crappy cards that are worth less than half of the DEC I bought it with.

It's kinda like you spend 2000 DEC (UT) or $2 buying pack only to open ~$0.4 worth of cards. Been suffering from that for months until I started opening them on my alts. XD

Anyways, yeah some of you might think that I am just overthinking things and a little superstitious but I did pull a GOLD LEGENDARY ZAKU out of it, so yeah at least I saw a change on my pack opening due to it. Lol

I did not expect anything from the pull above though. In all honesty the reason why I bought DICE packs this morning was to get me some MYLOR summoner card to HODL. I really think that compared to other RARE summoners out there, MYLOR has the highest possibility of easily getting x2,x3,x4 or even x10 worth in increase market value once it stops printing.

That THORN ability of his is just too good compared to other RARE summoners that is why I was hoping to get him at least as my GUARANTEED RARE in every pack opening I do in the DICE packs.

But I never expected that I would pull a far better card than MYLOR. Lol I did hover around all the cards a bit and was delighted to see that 'shake' thing cards do when it is a legendary. That golden light it emits. That golden light alone, made this buy worth it. But to see it turn full GOLD made me even more delighted. Lol

I did not get any MYLOR though as you can see above but who cares, I pulled a GOLD LEGENDARY!!! LOL I also pulled 1 GOLD QID YUFF which was a great addition to this awesome pull.

This probably would not be sold soon but I immediately put it into the market. I personally think this card should be worth $500+ though considering it is a DICE card which is more expensive than the usual cards and also there are only 56 cards in circulation at the moment.

Still I did put $375 as it's selling price. If it gets sold, I would use it to buy more packs. I still need CALADIUM, KRALUS, LENSMASTER and CTHULU on the DICE packs. Even a level 1 would have been nice for Brawls since I am in normally in-charge of NOVICE FRAYS.


Anyways, yeah LUCKY DAY FOR ME TODAY!!! XD


a gold foil poseidon!! woooof, now that is some Resurrection ;)

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