Deciding to give the Sims 4 another chance... the start of a new alien legacy!



The Sims and I have a bad track record. I love the Sims THREE to hell and back, but every time I play it I am absolutely besieged by bugs, glitches, chaos, and unplayable doom, and when it came to the Sims FOUR... ugh. It was dumbed down. They removed burglars. There was no open world. There was no living world. An NPC could be at work, but jogging past your Sim's house, and talking to your Sim on the computer, ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

It was ridiculous. I hated it. And I also hated the lack of customisation available. They removed Create-a-Style, an integral part of making your Sim's clothing and furniture unique! Ridiculous.

But here I am. Willing to give it another chance. For two reasons.

~ One being that I really want to play the Sims and the Sims 3 is a pile of glitchy arse-garbage.

~ Two being that @emuse has been playing it and is making it look reeeeally interesting, and is enticing me with her every post.

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So, if you will, please meet Heidi Kael, my latest Sims protagonist.

She's a young woman with grand desires -- grand! She wants to one day meet aliens, befriend them, and possibly entice them into her bedroom to steal their DNA and create a human-alien-hybrid child. The human-alien-hybrid that'll begin a great legacy. The very next Kael Legacy!

That's right! A brand new Legacy Challenge, but this time ignoring the first generation. The Legacy starts with the alien child.

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Hungry with her desire to give birth to the world's first ever half-alien-half-human child, Heidi concocts a grand scheme.

She will move to the desert where the secret Sim Science Facility is known to be hidden and she will become a scientist of great renown. Aliens love secret facilities and love smart women even more. It's a foolproof plan!

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However, she didn't quite realise just how hot the desert happens to be.

Within moments of moving into her new house, she flung her arms up into the air and wailed with despair. Sweat ran down her back, down her crack, down all of her cracks. This was not cool. Not cool at all!

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Soon after settling into her new hot house, she had to go take a great, hot poop.

This was horrible. Absolutely horrible. But surely she would get used to this horrid heat. She had to. If she was going to meet aliens and lure them into her bedroom, she had no choice!

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After several interviews, she began her first day of work at the secret Sim Science Facility.

Within moments of being inside the building, she bemoaned her fate. There was no air conditioning. Why on earth did this place have no air conditioning!?

Before she could learn how to make contact with the aliens and fulfil her life-long goal, she would have to do something about this atrocious heat.

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Several days were spent both at home and at the Facility, sweating and uncomfortable.

She made ghastly faces each and every day, in hopes that maybe fate would smile down upon her and send some snow to the region.

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Instead, fate gave her an idea.

And what an idea it was!

The next day she went to work, she raced to the 3D modeler and began plotting plans for a device. Not just any device. A device that could literally do anything.

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Armed with the device, she raced out of the lab and into the next room. One lonely woman sat at a computer. She'd do.

Yanking the woman up from her chair, the woman tried to protest but her cries fell on deaf ears. Heidi activated FREEZE MODE.

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The device worked perfectly. The woman was a block of ice so cold that the reception, each laboratory, and even the upstairs kitchen were cooled to a nice 16 Celsius. It worked so perfectly that she even got promoted!

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With the bimbo frozen solid in the centre of the facility and the higher-ups pleased with her prowess at inventing cool inventions, the horrid heat was at last made bearable and Heidi could finally get to work on her main goal in life -- contacting aliens.

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The money she got thanks to being promoted allowed her to build an observatory in her backyard.

Other than becoming a scientist working at the Facility in the desert, this was the first step in making contact with alien life. She just knew it. If she could observe the stars each and every day, she could discover whereabouts they were located and then invent a device capable of communicating with them.

She would have to do it soon. She was getting older each and every day, too. Such is life, being a Sim.

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It didn't take her long to figure out how to make an interstellar communicator. Taking advantage of the Facility's resources, she made the communicator and then snuck it home.

She tried to contact the aliens every night before she went to bed, to no avail, until...

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One night, shining lights glittered outside her doorstep. Curious, she investigated the lights and was swiftly abducted by those whom she sought.

This was not the plan!

She didn't want to be the abductee, she wanted to be the abductor!

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Then, on one fateful night, Heidi got awoken by a noise in the house.

There was an alien! And it had come inside!

There was only one thing to do!

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Waltzing bravely up to the alien that had abducted her several times over and stolen her DNA, she brazenly asked for his.

He was, surprisingly, more than happy to give her a sample of his DNA. 😉

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Three days later, an eternity in Sims-days, Heidi found herself in hospital under the crazed eye of a young nurse.

They were aware of her alien offspring and were prepared for all the possibilities when it came to giving birth. They had robot arms at the ready, ready to dive into her squishy flesh and retrieve the growth within.

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The strange robot-arm technique worked well and Heidi soon found herself cuddling her brand new alien-human-hybrid-baby, Nathaniel Kael. He who would kickstart the great Sims 4 Kael Legacy.

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All hail Nathaniel Kael!


Until next time! 👽🛸



All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci and are from the game: The Sims 4.


Hahaha! This was so much fun. I just played through the scientist carer and met a lot of aliens.. BUT, she didn't give birth to an alien! Hope that you enjoyed it and have plans to play more.

Your sim looks only happy with an alien in her hands, haha.


Your sim looks only happy with an alien in her hands, haha.

😅 One of her personality traits is 'erratic.' I'm finding it quite difficult, really. I'll tell her to go do something, and she goes to do it, and then she'll shout angrily at herself and forget to do the thing!

Parenting this alien toddler is near impossible. I have to tell her three times to feed him!! He'll do something naughty, she'll be halfway through reprimanding him, then she'll start talking to herself and forget that she was angry at his actions.

I have a feeling this child is going to grow up with the emotional wellbeing of a banana. 😅

Hope that you enjoyed it and have plans to play more.

I'm still trying to get used to it, over the other Sims. But I'm more "open" to it this time around. Definitely plan to keep playing though, I have an alien baby to look after! XD


I always chose "easy" traits for my sims personality. Often Independent, good friend, happy etc. Hahaha.

I hope that you plays with this family, maybe make a new adventure with your alien baby when it have grown up?

It took a while before I started to really enjoy The Sims 4. I have plans to download some mods because there are things in this game that doesn't work at all (EA Games isn't the best at fixing their problems).


I normally choose the easy traits too 😅 for my first Sim anyway. The Sims that are born are randomised though, to make things a bit different and interesting!

Will definitely be continuing on the adventure with the alien baby. 😊 I'm going to attempt the 10 Generation Legacy Challenge with him... that's what I've been trying to do in the Sims 3, but by the time I get to the third generation the game breaks. Hoping the Sims 4 won't do that and I finally get my 10th Generation Sim!

I have plans to download some mods because there are things in this game that doesn't work at all

What issues have you been having? I should probably get some mods too. 😅 To make sure this all goes smoothly.


I had some issues to run a restaurant. Because to get good ratings the sims that are eating at the restaurant need to sit down, if they don't I can't help them at all and I wouldn't get a good rating on my restaurant. And that is pretty annoying. It also can happen that those who work there don't do their job. Just standing there like some idiots, even tho they are "good" at the job on paper. I love to own a restaurant and have that as a job, but I can't do it if it doesn't work.

I also had a problem with the vet, when I'm taking my pet to the vet it happens now and then that those who works there don't react to it and they wont help my sick pet. But luckily is there an option to make health candies to the pets so I can buy them and that works the same way.

I downloaded two mods yesterday, and it worked a little bit. But not as good as it did before all this problems.

I'm looking forward for more the Sims 4 stuff :D


hahaha I really enjoyed your gameplay she got what she wanted, an alien baby. I have heard that the sims 4 it's not so funny but I thinks it is. Thank you for sharing the experience of your sims.


The Sims 4 is alright, but after experiencing the other games I just personally find it a bit of a let down with a lot of stuff missing. It's still enjoyable though! 😊 Thank you for reading!!


It's funny alien game, I prefer burglars, it's something nice


This was a fun take on a legacy challenge. I'm currently playing mine and it's got ridiculously dramatic so far...but I mean RIDICULOUSLY. My first gen died of a heatwave, leaving the second gen with her boyfriend (the children's father died from a heart explosion for being too upset) and the boyfriend DIED OF SHAME. So far so...wrong 😂

But I think the absurd part of the sims is what makes it a great game. And the fact that we leave our imagination on the loose. I love that from this game. I have like three savefiles with different stories 'written' including a Vampire Wars one.

Loved how this was written. I had so much fun reading.


Haha!! The stories really can get ridiculous. 😅 The last time I tried this was in the Sims 3 and I got to generation three, if I recall correctly.

The original sim died of old age, but the heir became a police officer, inspired by a burglary she had witnessed as a child, and then married another man who burgled her house!! He killed his wife then married her sister, keeping it in the family. Haha. 😅

So much drama in the Sims! 🤣 It's all a hilarious soap opera!


I played for a long time the sims 3 and I found it more fun even placed mods with real vehicles, I had a beautiful house, by the way my house in my city of Minecraft was based on that. Very nice memories bring me the sims, the first ones I played were in old cell phones and from there I became fond of the sims, unfortunately I could not play the fourth installment and then I left them. I have read that sims 4 is disappointing, but in the pictures and others it looks great.

I read your story and I remember that the sims were always looking for aliens or that someone had been abducted, I would never have thought that you could have an alien baby 😅. Anyway I see that despite all the things you hate about sims 4 you have a nice time just like the companion (emuse).


I have read that sims 4 is disappointing, but in the pictures and others it looks great.

The Sims 4 is a really nice looking game and it does have some positives, but compared to previous games it is pretty disappointing. I feel it is more of a phone game in the guise of a computer game.

The AI in it is really good (your Sim can even multitask!) and the graphics are nice, but mostly, as I play it, I just miss the Sims 3.
