Have Patience to Win - Battle of Ground - real Action in free fire..


Free fire is action game, and thousand of people all over the worlds are playing it. in this game there are many feature that increase the concept of playing , thrill more passionate , so i also like to play it, here is full location that we can select to see self in action , so


in start it is free game, we need to download freefire from google store, then install it , and connect with your facebook account if you want or sign up with out facebook it is user own choice.

playing area

playing area is world earth, if you are new user and then you will launch in game area, in first you will go to training area, after training area, you will take flight , plane will eject you ,where ever you want to land for fight, you will eject from plan, then para shot will help you to land safely,


after landing you will get notification at every stage, if there will be any enemy round or close in your area, you have to protect your self after landing, then you will find, or search gun for fight , because you will land empty hands , and you cn find fighting tool in building, in every where, go.

so dear friends, you can make your effort every time, to win the battle, here in this video, i try to bring one review video for all of you, hope you all will get good idea of playing, so it is one best online gaming, so we can play this game on android and also on desktop computer PC..

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