How It Started - 1

Well I got into photography somewhere around 2014 and I got my first DSLR in 2019 which is the Canon 80D (My Current DSLR In Use) till then I used to rent out DSLR from various people just so that I could practice on developing my skills.

So far I've worked with Nikon D5100, D3500, D5600 & D750, Canon M50, 1100D, 650D, 80D, 5D Mark IV, 6D Mark II, 1DX Mark III, R5 (Mirrorless).

I've spent a shit ton of my pocket money renting out cams but you know what they were worth it in the end all the memories and faces captured were worth it.

These images below were taken somewhere in 2015 I presume and that's also pretty much when I started to travel more often. These images were of my first solo trip to Chennai, India from Mangalore by Train.

The images aren't great I know I was still learning and I still am and during those day I used to mainly focus on the rule of thirds (Clearly Visible In The Images)

So I travel to Chennai because I have family living there mainly my grandparents (Dad's Side), My Aunt (Dad's Sister) and my nerdy cousin (Pretty Much The Only Studious One From The Family LOL)

Also when I first started out I used to shoot in JPEG and that to i'd mostly shoot monochrome because I was extremely fascinated with the details on the output.


That Rucksack above is still the same one I use on most of my travels till date and manh the two of us have been places and have a lot of memories together (In India Obviously)


Chennai Central is the largest railway station and is one of the busiest ones in South India and it's over a century old and was built by Britishers. Just to show you guys how this station looks I've uploaded belob an image from Wikipedia.


Source Of The Above Image: By Augustus Binu, CC BY-SA 3.0,




This image was shot inside some light house I don't really remember the name but the view from there was pristine.

These images were taken on Nikon D5100 on manual setting and uggh I had a tough time figuring out Shutter speed, Exposure And ISO.

Thats all for now hopefully I get some old images from the archives for part 2.

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Really inspiring story, it's really worth the money renting different cameras while still you can't afford to buy one coz look where you at now, wink!
