DYSTOPIA ABOUNDS : My Nominations for the Top 3 Monthly Contest - Top 3 Apocalyptic Movies


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Your Top 3 Monthly Contest August 2020 - What Are Your Favourite “End of the World” Movies?

This month's topic: YOUR TOP 3 END OF THE WORLD MOVIES

Here we are in August. Another month of Your Top 3. Don't know what Your Top 3 is?

Well, it's a monthly contest where you're asked to choose three items on different topics presented each months, then create a post listing the three nominations and explaining the reasons for your choices.

For August, we're asked to present our three top end of the world movies.

My Nominations are:

Aquí estamos en agosto. Otro mes de Tus 3 mejores. ¿No sabes cuál es tu Top 3?

Bueno, es un concurso mensual en el que se te pide que elijas tres artículos sobre diferentes temas presentados cada mes, y luego crear un post con una lista de las tres nominaciones y explicar las razones de tus elecciones.

Para agosto, se nos pide que presentemos nuestras tres mejores películas del fin del mundo.

Mis Nominaciones son:

Nomination Number One


My Reasons for the Nomination

I loved the theme of this apocalyptic movie. In Children of Men, released in 2006, Clive Owen plays a civil servant, Theo Faron, in the future world of the year 2027 set in the United Kingdom.

We find Theo sitting on a train listening to a news report of a child who dies at 18 years old. This is significant because no other children were born after this one. That means in this futuristic world, all humans are infertile. and have been for 18 years.

The Cast:
Clive Owen - Theo Faron
Julianne Moore - Theo's wife
Michael Caine - Theo's friend
Chiwetel Ejiofor - Resistance fighter
Clare-Hope Ashitey - young girl, Kee

This situation of total human infertility, together with the dystopian government control and global instability has caused mass chaos in which normal society has almost collapsed. The backdrop of the story seems to be that the country is overrun by immigrants. The government's treatment of them is inhumane as they seek asylum. No reason is given for the influx of immigrants nor the collapse of the society. We learn that the infertility was caused by a flu pandemic.

It's during this time that Theo is contacted by his former wife, Julian. She offers him money to help obtain transit papers for a young teenage refugee.

After obtaining the papers, Theo is asked to escort the young girl to a safe house. At the safe house, Theo He agrees, but learns the most incredible story. The young girl, Kee is pregnant. This makes her the only pregnant female in 20 years.

He recognizes her important and agrees to help transport her to an offshore refugee camp known as The Human Project ship, or the Tomorrow.

He is then kidnapped by a militant immigrant rights group. After a series of struggles, Kee gives birth to a baby girl. Theo is wounded in the one of the struggles but finally manages to hire a boat and set sail.

On the way to the ship, Theo reveals he is seriously wounded and dies. However, he helped Kee and her baby successfully reach Tomorrow.

Below is official trailer for the movie:

Official Trailer for Children of Men from Youtube


Nominación Número Uno


Mis razones para la nominación

Me encantó el tema de esta película apocalíptica. En Children of Men, estrenada en 2006, Clive Owen interpreta a un funcionario, Theo Faron en el futuro mundo del año 2027 ambientado en el Reino Unido.

Encontramos a Theo sentado en un tren escuchando un reportaje sobre un niño que muere a los 18 años. Esto es significativo porque ningún otro niño nació después de éste. Eso significa que en este mundo futurista, todos los humanos son infértiles y lo han sido durante 18 años.

El reparto:
Clive Owen - Theo Faron
Julianne Moore - Theo's wife
Michael Caine - Theo's friend
Chiwetel Ejiofor - Resistance fighter
Clare-Hope Ashitey - young girl

Esta situación de total infertilidad humana, junto con el control gubernamental distópico y la inestabilidad global ha causado un caos masivo en el que la sociedad normal casi se ha derrumbado.

El telón de fondo de la historia parece ser que el país está invadido por inmigrantes. El tratamiento que el gobierno les da es inhumano ya que buscan asilo. No se da ninguna razón para la afluencia de inmigrantes ni para el colapso de la sociedad. Nos enteramos de que la infertilidad fue causada por una pandemia de gripe.

Es durante este tiempo que Theo es contactado por su ex esposa, Julian). Ella le ofrece dinero para ayudar a obtener los papeles de tránsito para un joven adolescente refugiado.

Después de obtener los papeles, se le pide a Theo que escolte a la joven a una casa segura. En el refugio, Theo acepta, pero se entera de la historia más increíble. La joven, Kee está embarazada. Esto la convierte en la única mujer embarazada en 20 años.

La reconoce como importante y acepta ayudar a transportarla a un campo de refugiados en el mar conocido como el barco del Proyecto Humano, o el Mañana.

Luego es secuestrado por un grupo militante de derechos de los inmigrantes. Después de una serie de luchas, Kee da a luz a una niña. Theo es herido en una de las luchas pero finalmente consigue alquilar un barco y zarpar. De camino al barco, Theo revela que está gravemente herido y muere. Sin embargo, ayudó a Kee y a su bebé a llegar al mañana con éxito.

Nomination Number Two


My Reasons for the Nomination

What can I say. I love Denzel Washington in whatever role he plays. In The Book of Eli, Denzel plays Eli, a wanderer through a world ravaged by war. The everyday essential items are luxuries to be fought and killed over.

The cast of actors include:

Denzel Washington - Eli
Gary Oldman - Carnegie
Mila Junis - solara
Ray Stevenson - Redridge
Jennifer Beals - Claudia

As far as apocalyptic movies as concerned, I love the theme of the lawlessness that abounds in the future with different factors fighting for control over the resources left with no knowledge of their history.

We learn later through Eli's dreams that all the books in the world have been destroyed. The authorities believe that is the way to control the new society. This is a world where the people who live there have never been allowed to read. This is the world where we find Eli. He has been on a mission for 30 years in this post-apocalyptic world. During his years of traveling to a place only he knows, he has to defend himself from all types of gangs and bloodthirsty people.

They don't understand what Eli's purpose in life is. When he encounters a leader of a ruthless gang in his travels across the wasteland that is located in the Western United States, his secret is revealed that he's carrying the only copy left of the Bible that survived the war. The gang leader envisions taking this book from him. He figures it's a way to gain even more power over the unruly people by telling them his version of what's in the Bible.

But what he doesn't realize is that Eli is a God-fearing man who has an unwavering faith as he is directed to carry this valuable book to safety where it can be used for the good of humanity. And his task is made harder due to the fact that Eli is blind. Throughout the first half of the movie, you would never guess this fact.

This movie contains graphic violence as Eli weaves his way through the wasteland. They think they have won, but are surprised because the book is written in Braille. No one can read it but Eli.

After losing the book, he finally arrives at his destination, but in the process loses the book trying to protect others who seem sympathetic to his cause. The destination looks like a whole other world that is clean and the inhabitants are normal citizens. However, Eli is dying and requests the historian to attend to him. To everyone's surprise, Eli has memorized the entire Bible while wandering those 30 years. The historian transcribes the Bible from Eli's memory.

Official Trailer for "The Book of Eli":

Official trailer for The Book of Eli from Youtube


Nombramiento número dos


Mis razones para la nominación

¿Qué puedo decir? Me encanta Denzel Washington en cualquier papel que desempeñe. En El Libro de Eli, Denzel interpreta a Eli, un vagabundo a través de un mundo devastado por la guerra. Los artículos esenciales de la vida diaria son lujos por los que se lucha y se mata.

El elenco de actores incluye:

Denzel Washington - Eli
Gary Oldman - Carnegie
Mila Junis - solara
Ray Stevenson - Redridge
Jennifer Beals - Claudia

En lo que respecta a las películas apocalípticas, me encanta el tema de la anarquía que abunda en el futuro con diferentes factores que luchan por el control de los recursos que quedan sin conocer su historia.

Aprendemos más tarde a través de los sueños de Eli que todos los libros del mundo han sido destruidos. Las autoridades creen que esa es la forma de controlar la nueva sociedad. Este es un mundo donde a la gente que vive allí nunca se le ha permitido leer. Este es el mundo donde encontramos a Eli. Ha estado en una misión durante 30 años en este mundo post-apocalíptico. Durante sus años de viaje a un lugar que sólo él conoce, tiene que defenderse de todo tipo de pandillas y personas sedientas de sangre.

No entienden cuál es el propósito de la vida de Eli. Cuando se encuentra con el líder de una pandilla despiadada en sus viajes a través del páramo que se encuentra en el oeste de los Estados Unidos, su secreto se revela que lleva la única copia que queda de la Biblia que sobrevivió a la guerra. El líder de la pandilla prevé quitarle este libro. Cree que es una forma de ganar aún más poder sobre la gente rebelde contándoles su versión de lo que está en la Biblia.

Pero lo que no se da cuenta es que Eli es un hombre temeroso de Dios que tiene una fe inquebrantable, ya que se le indica que lleve este valioso libro a un lugar seguro donde pueda ser utilizado para el bien de la humanidad. Y su tarea se hace más difícil debido al hecho de que Eli es ciego. A lo largo de la primera mitad de la película, nunca adivinarías este hecho.

Esta película contiene violencia gráfica mientras Eli se abre camino a través del páramo. Creen que han ganado, pero se sorprenden porque el libro está escrito en Braille. Nadie puede leerlo excepto Eli.

Después de perder el libro, finalmente llega a su destino, pero en el proceso pierde el libro tratando de proteger a otros que parecen simpatizar con su causa. El destino se parece a otro mundo que está limpio y los habitantes son ciudadanos normales. Sin embargo, Eli se está muriendo y pide al historiador que lo atienda. Para sorpresa de todos, Eli ha memorizado toda la Biblia mientras deambula por esos 30 años. El historiador transcribe la Biblia de la memoria de Eli.

Nomination Number Three

The Road Warrior

My Reasons for the Nomination

Free image for Max-Max 2 from Clipart-Library

The Road Warrior, released in 1981, is Mel Gibson at his finest. It is an old one, but is the best of the Mad Max series of films in my opinion. It is second installment of the Mad Max films whereby Max, played by Mel Gibson, is a former highway patrolman whose wife and son were killed by outlaws.

It is the highest-grossing Australian film worldwide.1

The cast includes the following actors:
Mel Gibson - Max
Bruce Spense - Gyro Captain
Mike Preston - Pappagallo
Vernon Wells - Wez mohawked biker
Emil Minty - Feral Kid
Kjell Nilsson - The Humungus

Now Max roams the desert in his black super-charged vehicle with his dog. He happens upon a Gyro Captain who later befriends him. Max's only concern is finding food and gasoline; that is, until he meets a community of people who need help fending off a vicious gang from their compound they've created and finding a way to leave it for a better place to live.

I love this movie for its rugged harshness in post-apocalytic Australia, where every man fends for himself, except if you're a member of a savage, maruading gang of thieves and killers.

The film's theme is that of survival not only for Max but also for a community of people who have banded together to protect themselves from the Marauders' leader, Lord Humungus, and his gang.

Max makes a deal with the leader of the Community to help them. He located an abandoned tank truck. He suffers life-threatening injuries doing so against Lord Humungus. They kill his dog. The Gyro Captain find Max and takes him back to the compound. Even though Max is injured, he agrees to drive the tanker truck.

He finds out later the tanker is filled with sand while the community and the gasoline is headed in a different direction. They manage to escape with Max's sacrifice to an unknown location and establish the "Great Northern Tribe."

It's revealed at the end that it's actually a narration of the events that occured from the memory of the Feral Kid, who has grown to become the leader of the Tribe. He keeps his encounter with Max alive by passing down the story of how Max helped them escaped. He's the one who gave Max the name "The Road Warrior" who now lives on only in their legend.

Official movie trailer for The Road Warrior:

Official movie trailer for The Road Warrior from Youtube


Nombramiento número tres

The Road Warrior

Mis razones para la nominación

The Road Warrior, lanzado en 1981, es Mel Gibson en su mejor momento. Es una película antigua, pero es la mejor de la serie de películas de Mad Max en mi opinión. Es la segunda entrega de las películas de Mad Max en la que Max, interpretado por Mel Gibson, es un ex patrullero de carreteras cuya esposa e hijo fueron asesinados por los forajidos.

Es la película australiana de mayor recaudación en todo el mundo.1

El reparto incluye los siguientes actores:

Mel Gibson - Max
Bruce Spense - Gyro Captain
Mike Preston - Pappagallo
Vernon Wells - Wez mohawked biker
Emil Minty - Feral Kid
Kjell Nilsson - The Humungus

Ahora Max vaga por el desierto en su vehículo negro sobrealimentado con su perro. Se topa con un capitán de giroscopio que luego se hace amigo suyo. La única preocupación de Max es encontrar comida y gasolina; es decir, hasta que conoce a una comunidad de gente que necesita ayuda para defenderse de una pandilla viciosa de su complejo que han creado y encontrar la manera de abandonarlo para vivir en un lugar mejor.

Me encanta esta película por su dureza en la Australia post-apocalíptica, donde cada hombre se defiende por sí mismo, excepto si eres miembro de una salvaje y mareante banda de ladrones y asesinos.

El tema de la película es la supervivencia no sólo de Max, sino también de una comunidad de personas que se han unido para protegerse del líder de los Marauders, Lord Humungus, y su banda.

Max hace un trato con el líder de la Comunidad para ayudarles. Localizó un camión cisterna abandonado. Sufre heridas que amenazan su vida al hacerlo contra el Señor Humungus. Matan a su perro. El Capitán del Gyro encuentra a Max y lo lleva de vuelta al recinto. A pesar de que Max está herido, acepta conducir el camión cisterna.

Más tarde se entera de que el camión cisterna está lleno de arena mientras que la comunidad y la gasolina se dirigen en una dirección diferente. Se las arreglan para escapar con el sacrificio de Max a un lugar desconocido y establecer la "Gran Tribu del Norte".

Se revela al final que es en realidad una narración de los eventos que ocurrieron a partir de la memoria del Chico Feroz, que ha crecido hasta convertirse en el líder de la Tribu. Mantiene vivo su encuentro con Max transmitiendo la historia de cómo Max les ayudó a escapar. Él es el que le dio a Max el nombre de "El Guerrero del Camino" que ahora sólo vive en su leyenda.

I hope you like my three apocalyptic movies presented here.

top3 divider 2 logo.jpg

@flaxz initiative @iamalivechallenge: (Created a post for my blog today)



Happy rest of the week everyone with whatever your endeavors.


a) JustClickindiva's personalized PHC signature created by and purchased from PHC.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) Separator Lines Free ClipArt Belt from Public Domain Vectors & ShadedLine from ClipArt-Library
e) All Tribe logos used with permission of Tribe Discord Channel admins.
f) Video of The Terminal Discord created and donated by @sgt-dan to The Terminal Owners for its use. Permission granted by The Terminal admins to use herein.
g) HIVE gif created by @peakstudio for Hive users. Used herein according to guidelines.
h) 1 Mad Max 2. https://en.wikipedia.org./wiki/Mad_Max_2







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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 18 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


Flu pandemic in 2027? I think it arrived 7 years earlier! Good luck with this. Don't know any of these. This genre, I tend to skip. We shall see how/if an entry unfolds from men...🤭


Hello. I thought about this when I first saw the movie. I love sci-fi and apocalypse movies. I've always thought there was going to be another virus of sort back then that would affect the entire world. And not even that. There will be another one more deadlier than this. Hope it doesn't come to pass.

And speaking of a vaccine. After seeing the movie with Will Smith, I AM LEGEND, my thoughts took root again. What are we facing now? Will the vaccine work, or...

Thank you for stopping by and viewing my 3 movies. I hope you take a look. They are work watching in my opinion.


I loved book of Eli, such a great movie, Denzel is such a boss


Denzel's portrayal of the character Eli was so convincing, I didn't realize the character was blind. It was amazing acting.


LOL that was such a major plot twist, really got me the first time


Oh my. I've never seen Children of Men but if it's better than the other two I may have to actually watch a movie for the first time in months.

I loved Road Warrior when it arrived and I still do. A gear engaged supercharger on a Dodge Challenger? What's not to like? (I am always a gear head). I believe though that I prefer Mad Max just slightly. It seems to me cruder and less Hollywood some how.

Wonderful list, great thumbnails of all. Thank you for it!


I wouldn't say it's better than the other two. I just started that one. They are all good in my opinion. But we'll see how much I can gauge the dpoll voters with my selections. I tried to give them a good summary to sort of sway them. However, I feel that new Hunger Game series will win out. And I've never seen any of them.

Thanks for stopping in and taking the time to read my top 3 end of the world movies. Actually, they're post-apocalyptic since all the action began after the destructive events took place that left the world in ruins.


I've only seen part of one of the Hunger Games trilogy-But I have to tell you I was REALLY surprised at how much I liked the books. A friend just insisted I read the first one and I thought I had committed to reading fluff. I was wrong, it was a good series.

I suppose "A Handmaiden's Tale" doesn't quite qualify. I don't know how I missed that in real time, but I just read it this year. Another Wow series.


I think if you start with the books, you're slightly disappointed always with the movie version. At least that's my experience.

I'll have to check out A Handmaiden's Tale


Yes!!! Book of Eli made my top 3 as well so I'm glad someone else picked it, get to see how it does in the dpoll now - great film, I only saw it once in the cinema but it stuck with me all this time!

Was wondering when we'd see the first Mad Max installment as well, that seems like it's a perfect fit for this topic!

Thanks for entering and good luck in the contest!


Hey, it’s Q here - the mascot of the Your Top 3 Contest - just swinging by to say thanks for these awesome suggestions for our contest this month! I've given you an upvote and logged your nominations, ready for the dpoll - keep an eye on my blog for the dpoll post!

Make sure you set your post payout to 50/50. You keep the HP and then transfer the HIVE and/or HBD (whichever is paid out at the time) to @yourtop3 with a link to your blog post entry in the transfer memo. This is the minimum entry fee, but you can add as much as you like to it! The more you add, the more you can win.There is no maximum entry fee.

Not sure how to find your post payout? Look in your Hive Wallet under Author Rewards to find the exact payout for your post. In the example below you would send the 0.011 HBD and 6.441 HIVE over to the @yourtop3 account as your entry fee. I take it from there and convert all of the prize pool to SBD for easy prize distribution at the end of the month!





Nice selections, yes I agree Road Warrior sequel is definitely much better than the first Mad Max movie, although the 3rd one is great also especially since it has Tina Turner in it :)


Oooh, excellent picks yet again. I hadn't thought of Children of Men, but what a perfect one to add to the list. Mankind wouldn't last long without more babies! I also agree with Nicky that it wouldn't be a true battle without at least one Mad Max flick! Mel is the original mad man, but I thought Tom Hardy did a pretty decent job of the role in the more recent reprisal. Good luck in the polls!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to read my entries. Yes, I love all the actors I chose, but Mel in that black leather...what can you say? It was hard to keep up with the mohawk bad guys, lol.

Sometimes remakes hit and miss. You just can't replace the original. I think Mad Max series is one of those.

That's why that dystopian world of infertility was striking to me. Nothing to look forward to. They saw no future, no fruit of their loins. It was amazing when Kee brought the baby out of the rubble, all fighting stopped on both sides. It was as if in that moment, they recognized a miracle had occurred.

Thanks for your support. Have a great weekend.


I loved your selection. All three I've seen and they're some of the best. Although the one that fascinates me the most is The Book of Eli, it is too good and in the end it leaves us perplexed. Greetings.


Hey @justclickindiva

Nice post. I have seen Book of Eli and Children of Men. Both really good and really underrated movies.

I confess to have never watched any of the Mad Max series of movies. I'm not sure why because it should be right up my street. Maybe I'll get to watch them soon.



Hey, it’s Q again - the mascot of the Your Top 3 Contest! Just swinging by to say thanks for sending over your entry fee, and I've added you in with your nominations now!

Good luck and keep your eyes peeled for the upcoming dpoll on the 19th where we put it to the public vote and let the Hive community decide their top 3 :)

Your Top 3 Contest Mascot

Q Happy.png
