Reporte de curación por el equipo @fuerza-hispana - @curaciones-fh 22/12/2020


Saludos cordiales estimada comunidad hispanohablante, es todo un placer presentar a los autores que fueron valorados manualmente en el día 22/12/2020 , por el equipo de @fuerza-hispana.

Autor: @rafabvr

[ENG-ESP] Day 16 - My passion

Blogging Challenge - Part 03 - Day 16

What are you passionanted about in life?

If this question had been asked to me six years ago, my answer would undoubtedly have been quick, clear and very precise. At that time my great passion was baseball, playing it, watching it, teaching it, in short, everything that had to do with this sport fascinated me.

Autor: @edwing357

Catalinas Venezolanas (ESP - EN) Venezuelan "Catalinas"

▶️ Watch on 3Speak
Que bueno volver a saludarles queridos HIVERS!!!
How nice to greet you again, dear HIVERS!
Hoy les traigo una extraordinaria receta de nuestra tierra, merienda ideal para acompañar estas tardes navideñas.
Today I bring you an extraordinary recipe from our land, an ideal snack to accompany these Christmas afternoons.
Autor: @alejandramonzon

El Gato Grinch, Un saludo Navideño (ESP - EN) The Grich Cat, A Christmas Greeting

▶️ Watch on 3Speak
Cuando ya son Adultos el Arbolito ya no es juguete! - La tranquila vida de mi gato en Navidad

When they are adults, the Tree is no longer a toy! - The quiet life of my cat at Christmas

Un gracioso video de Osiris y nosotros esta navidad!!! deseo lo disfruten.

Autor: @bdmillergallery

Miss Molly and Our Busy Busy BUSY End Of The Year

I'm Back For A Few Minutes ..
Or at least that is how it feels. We have been on the go lately, preparing for this and that that surrounds the Christmas season. Work has been crazy for me with all of my end of the year employee reviews, inventory reports, and reports I need to have finalized for various government agencies.
Autor: @priyanarc

Presenting GIGI to the Hive Pets Community

People say Dogs are humans' best companions and I think they are absolutely right. I am a dog lover and I had 3 dogs so far. All are okay and healthy but now they are at my native home. So, when I migrated here, in Ukraine, I decided when I will settle a little bit, I will adopt a dog for myself.
Autor: @yurilaya

Christmas with Hive Pets Community and our pets CONTEST// Princess spoiled the house!

Greetings Dears Friends!

We are at Christmas time and although it is not like other Christmases, we try to share with the closest loved ones, and our pets are always part of the family and are noticed...

I was delighted with this Community Hive Pets contest.

Autor: @leslieebano

#BloggingChallenge Day 5 [ENG-ESP] My Greatest Achievement

Mi mayor Logro

Hello hello Hivers!!!

Here we go slowly and without hurry. Already estiy in the 5th day of #BloggingChallenge, maybe it is not much but it is something because I have advanced.

With commitment and determination here we continue, with the Moment of greatest pride

I have several, depending on the stage of life.

Autor: @bettyleo

Desafío blog 30 días, 2da parte. Día # 4. Tres personalidades o fuentes que sigo de cerca. ---- Blog challenge 30 days, 2nd part. Day # 4. Three personalities or sources that I follow closely.


Hola a todos, espero se encuentren bien; dándole continuidad a este desafío blogging challenge me toca desarrollar el # 4 que se refiere a tres personalidades o fuentes que seguimos de cerca, aquí se los cuento.


Hello everyone, I hope you are well; giving continuity to this blogging challenge I have to develop the # 4 which refers to three personalities or sources that we follow closely, here I tell you.

Autor: @sirenahippie

[ESP/ENGL]Cosechando cúrcuma

¡Hola! ¿Qué tal están pasando estas festividades? Espero que bien, y aunque cierto es que este año ha sido diferente, bien vale la pena mirar el 2021 con optimismo y esperanza.

Como todos los que ya me conocen saben, tengo un solar, el cual es el espacio que más amo de mi casa, porque en él encuentro una conexión única con la Madre Tierra, que disfruto y valoro; y una de las

Autor: @happyfrog420

Dieta ligera antes de Navidad

Hola, hoy hemos decidido darle una oportunidad a las verduras :) Dieta mediterránea antes de entrar de lleno en los turrones, mazapanes, cocidos navideños, asados y demás platos que este año disfrutaremos aunque con menos invitados a la mesa. Ya sabéis, son cosas de la Covid.
Autores fueron valorados manualmente por @Mariale07

Felicitamos a todos por crear contenido original.
