Drawing Philosophy: Political Concepts with drawing


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I often make drawings of political theories and concepts to make them comprehensible.

Thucydides Trap :

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The first one is well known quote from realist philosopher Thucydides and he said,

"when one great power threatens to displace another, war is almost always the result."

Thucydides was an ancient Greek historian , classical realist and he chronicled Athens’ zero-sum war with Sparta from 431-404 BC.

As he explained,

“It was the rise of Athens and the fear that this instilled in Sparta that made war inevitable.”

Machiavellian ideology

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Niccolò Machiavelli was another classical realist who advocated power politics.

the first way to win a state is to be skilled in the art of war.

Thomas Hobbes

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Thomas Hobbes, was an English philosopher and classical realist. He advocated power politics and in Leviathan he suggested that a single hegemonic power is necessary for man’s survival and security.

Hobbes argued that without central authority, "everyone is the enemy of everyone else" and it's

war of all against all.

Immanuel Kant

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Immanuel Kant was an German philosopher and belonged to classical liberalism school. He believed that,

‘‘a cosmopolitan whole, i.e. a system of all states’’ (Höffe 2006, p. 136)

could keep everlasting peace.

Many Others like Jon Locke and Jeremy Bentham were liberlist. John Locke advocated inalienable natural rights and Jeremy Bentham advocated utilitarianism.

Pictures taken in Process of Drawing.

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Stay safe and Thank for reading post.

All the best!
