Reflection image in a deserted city


O everyone, this is a reflection photo through the reflection of water. Thus, the shadow of the object image appears to have broader dimensions. why did I take this picture like that, because it looks beautiful and became my artwork to produce a different picture.

In addition, I also changed this photo to black and white because there is a flow of own that has a lot of interest.

So, this reflection picture I shot in the middle of the old city after a heavy rain for several hours. On this picture is also seen a sweeper cleaning the trash on the side of the road.

While the picture below is some point of the city that I took from stagnant water after heavy rain. This city, namely Lhokseumawe, standing water along the road and even flooding after heavy rains often occur due to overflowed drainage water which cannot hold much water discharge. Though the city was once dubbed as a petro dollar city that has many giant companies, but it is unfortunate the condition of this city is not in accordance with its nickname.

From the picture that I took, it's clear that the conditions of this city that become centers of local trade are very far behind compared to other cities throughout Indonesia.

So, I also have to explain the lonely situation seen in this photo because my photo shoot was carried out early in the morning, where everyone was still sleeping soundly, let alone heavy rain going on all night.

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THESE ARE BEAUTIFUL! I love them and i know how difficult it is to photograph reflections
