Urbi et Orbi: The pope's prayer


A man bent under the weight of the years, of the whole world, climbs with an uncertain step, regardless of the pouring rain...
An image of immense power, followed by words of faith, silences full of fullness, intense glances, ancient gestures full of blessing.


It is an image that no one would have ever imagined to see ... Piazza San Pietro completely empty, dark and Pope Benedict praying for this pandemic to end as soon as possible. The sadness of the event is reflected in the incessant rain that also cries together with all the people.

Faced with all this, the empty words of the powerful of the earth are silent, our chatter of religious men attached to form ... and all together we rediscover ourselves vulnerable people in the storm, with an uncertain faith and always in need of returning to the essentials. Because this is not the time of God's judgment, "but of our judgment: the time to choose what matters and what passes, to separate what is necessary from what is not. It is time to reset the course of life towards you, Lord, and towards others. And we can look at many exemplary travel companions who, in fear, reacted by giving their own lives ».
