Homemade Strawberry Popsicles


These strawberry popsicles are incredibly refreshing and perfect for summer entertaining – think virgin strawberry margarita. The best part? They’re incredibly easy to make.



  • 3 cups sliced strawberries
  • 5 tablespoons lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • ¾ cups sugar


Add all of the ingredients into a blender and secure the top. Pulse the blender a few times to get the mixture going, then set it on the smoothie function until the strawberry mixture is completely blended and mixed.

Transfer the mixture to an ice cream maker and run it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Remove the sorbet before it has fully set – you want the mixture to be loose enough to pour into the popsicle molds but set enough so you’ll avoid those pesky ice crystals that can form if you had transferred them into the popsicle molds right away. My ice cream maker took about an hour to get to this stage.

Add the sticks into each popsicle mold and transfer them to the freezer to set for an additional hour or so. When you are ready to serve, remove each popsicle from its mold, running the mold under hot water for a few seconds if you are having difficulty releasing the popsicle.


Yields 8 popsicles or dished servings.
