Victory is for those who bear the blows !


Alice did not make a mistake when she fled to Wonderland, withdrawing to the rabbit hole after being pressed by the conditions of reality and chosen for her groom to marry him. So the rabbit hole is nothing but a figurative representation of the world of perfection, the world of dreams by Plato, that whole world of Samdani, while what we are here is nothing but distorted quotes from it.

"And I will one day leave to the extent, to where the sun sets, where dreams come true, and to where I belong."

Alice left reality to his companions and went sinister. She said yes to dreams, no to cold reality, no to reality, with all the contents it contains, come and go as if to mock us. No to reality, with the positions it seeks and the clothes it wears. No to reality, in all its possible combinations, with all its plastic bottles and electricity and water bills. Not for everything in it, not for everything in it.

Later Alice changed, as her mind matured and grew old. Even herself no longer believes in the world of wonders. And if we wanted to complete the story written by the alias mathematician Lewis Carroll. Its new title should be "Isn't it beyond Wonderland?" Alice is mature that did not fall into the rabbit hole and refused to withdraw to the realm of the imaginary proverb. Alice, who chose to be cruel, chose to face.

I think that inside each of us is not a small living, especially childhood. Who among us has never dreamed of becoming an ash in pokemon? Or Captain Rabeh? Who did not dream of being a Snow Princess Snow White? Or even not herself as a dreamy girl? Inside everyone includes a small Alice who seeks to explore the world of wonders and buoyancy in the worlds of imagination, except that as a person grows older and matures, he learns that these worlds only believe in children and that the time for oldness has come. It is time for him to be told by a doctor, doctor, engineer, professor and miss. It is time for the mustache grouse to become a huge rumen. He only talks about the high prices that have exhausted him, that the work has become difficult, and that a consolation for a relative of his grandfather must be present.

Al-Rafii said: Life has decided that victory will be for those who endure strikes, not for those who strike them! All the motivational videos and articles tell us that high and high lies in your endurance of the most possible number of kicks, and that victory will be your ally if you can withstand, and this is true. But it overlooks something very dangerous, something that will overturn the whole equation if you think about it well. That is, what if one of those strikes to be endured is a fatal? Why do they assume that the opponent who hit me is a fool? Just like the hare and tortoise model, they come with the most lazy and lazy bunny and put them in a race with a turtle with fanciful specs, just to put their bad story straight! Why are they not realistic and say the opponent is violent and trained? Or at least one of the blows he executes is so strong that we are tired?

“The Rafai’i principle applies only to drops similar to the water droplets that descend on a rock and become very weak. Its effect requires deep times to appear. The reality we live is not like distilled water. Our reality is so full of violence and harsh strikes that your likelihood of it will not change anything from the equation. ”

The saying of victory was invented only for those who endured the blows so that they could relieve your pain, my dear. The powerful invented it because they know that in this way the other side always takes up the position of defense and endurance. Then they are prepared for you with one knockout, and it ends. It ends and you are hopeful, hope endurance to the end Your life is extinct, with rhetoric, separate from reality, such as those of al-Rafei. It ends and you have justified your weakness in a beautiful philosophical formula to keep yourself lazy, saying that the solution is possibility, not confrontation.

