Happy Memories


Source: Pixabay

She took the photo album, and opened at the first page. Smiles over her face as she saw her wedding picture. It was such a special moment getting married to the man she loved all her life. She turned to the next page is the picture of her firstborn, hours after she gave birth. That was officially the start of her family. The next page is where the pictures of her second child, along with the last moments with her husband as he passed away from heart attack.

As she progresses turning each page of the album, she is looking back at every special occasions as well as her achievements when she want back to work to raise her children, and every graduation of her children. They now have their respective, and lives separately from her.

She hugged the photo album in tears, and hoping all the happy memories she had will stay forever. The alarm on her phone rings. It's time to take her medicines to slow the progress of Alzheimer's. The next day, she opened the photo album again. It's her daily routine with hopes of not forgetting those happy memories, and her family.
