Building Experiences From Human Endeavours; How Airtight Is Your Coping Mechanism? (3Speak)


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Humans are clean states when they start out in life but then experience is what becomes a determinating factor to what people eventually go on to become. People are the experience we go through. The relationship we build is a process and in situation where these relationships turns out bad, the mental anatomy trys to imbibe certain coping mechanisms and strategies so that the sanity can be maintained.

Everytime we go through a traumatic experience we end up wishing we never met some certain people because their memories are always in our mind. When we don't meet people we don't have the opportunity to experience whatever the ties we have with them might do to our lives.

However the best thing to know is that the best way to cope with pain and unpleasant feelings is to use an even better experience to drown sad experience and this is what happens with time when we try to forget people.

In this video I talk about why it's essential to build healthier relationship when we eventually pass through some really demeaning experiences and the coping mechanisms we employ while trying to do this.

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