La esperada Primavera - [En] The awaited Spring


En la primavera por un corto periodo de tiempo, crece la flor del cerezo, cerca de donde vivo, en un parque, puedo hallar filas de estos hermosos árboles, que se visten de tonos blancos y rosados, pero tristemente, esta temporada no podré disfrutar de su lindas flores, afortunadamente encontré justo al lado en un terreno abandonado un pequeño árbol y aún está florecido! Realice algunas capturas que edite con mi teléfono. ¡Adoro la primavera!

F/1.8 | ISO/100 | EXP - 1/121 seg | D.F - 4 mm | Camera - Apple - IPhone 11

F/1.8 | ISO/100 | EXP - 1/121 seg | D.F - 4 mm | Camera - Apple - IPhone 11

F/1.8 | ISO/100 | EXP-1/121 seg | D.F - 4 mm | Camera - Apple - IPhone 11

[En]In the spring for a short time, the cherry blossom grows, near where I live, in a park, I can find rows of these beautiful trees, which are dressed in shades of white and pink, but sadly, this season I will not be enjoying their beautiful flowers, fortunately I found right next door in an abandoned lot a small tree and it is still in bloom! Make some captures that I edit with my phone. I love spring!

Taken with an Apple Camera from an iPhone 11. © All Rights Reserved
All photographs are my property, I like to share them as well as my experiences.
Coimbra, Portugal.

