Donald Trump: Running away from income taxes? Yes!


This publication was also written in SPANISH and PORTUGUESE.

He's hiding something from you.

The Irish Times

The elections for the American presidency will happen soon and for the controversial Donald Trump, things are not going well. Over the past few months, they have been collecting situations and speeches that are further complicating their image before the American nation. From anti-racist protests to international enmities, the fact is that his popularity has been falling more and more.

The most recent hurdle in Trump's presidential race was released by The New York Times last weekend and brought a revelation that is stirring the spirits of people who are against his government: he hasn't paid income taxes in ten years years (a total of 15 years before his election), and furthermore, in the years 2016 and 2017, he only paid U$750 dollars (a much lower amount than what a civilian usually pays annually).

Although he has already explained this fact (which, by the way, he kept secret for many years), Trump's claims are not being seen as true because he has already paid much more hefty amounts in income taxes to other countries (for example: India and the Philippines) where some of their companies operate. Something that happened in the year 2017 and shows that he is really not fulfilling his obligations as a civilian.

Second, Alan Garten (Trump's lawyer):

"In the past decade, President Trump has paid tens of millions of dollars in taxes to the federal government, including millions since he announced his candidacy in 2015."

This situation has quickly become a major headache for Trump, who will have a long way to go to explain himself better when the first debate against competitor Joe Biden takes place. Gradually, Trump has been losing his power and also his popularity... Will he lose the chair of the American nation this year?

Donald Trump: Huyendo de los impuestos sobre la renda? !

Las elecciones para la presidencia estadounidense sucederán pronto y para el controvertido Donald Trump, las cosas no van bien. Durante los últimos meses han ido recopilando situaciones y discursos que complican aún más su imagen ante la nación estadounidense. Desde protestas antirracistas hasta enemistades internacionales, el hecho es que su popularidad ha ido cayendo cada vez más.

El obstáculo más reciente en la carrera presidencial de Trump fue publicado por The New York Times el fin de semana pasado y trajo una revelación que está agitando los ánimos de las personas que están en contra de su gobierno: no ha pagado impuestos sobre la renta en diez años. años (un total de 15 años antes de su elección), y además, en los años 2016 y 2017, solo pagó U$750 dólares (una cantidad mucho menor de lo que suele pagar un civil anualmente).

Aunque ya ha explicado este hecho (que, por cierto, mantuvo en secreto durante muchos años), las afirmaciones de Trump no se están viendo como ciertas porque ya ha pagado montos mucho más robustos en impuestos a la renta a otros países (por ejemplo: India y Filipinas) donde operan algunas de sus empresas. Algo que sucedió en el año 2017 y demuestra que realmente no está cumpliendo con sus obligaciones como civil.

En segundo lugar, Alan Garten (abogado de Trump):

"En la última década, el presidente Trump ha pagado decenas de millones de dólares en impuestos al gobierno federal, incluidos millones desde que anunció su candidatura en 2015."

Esta situación se ha convertido rápidamente en un gran dolor de cabeza para Trump, quien tendrá un largo camino por recorrer para explicarse mejor cuando tenga lugar el primer debate contra el competidor Joe Biden. Poco a poco, Trump ha ido perdiendo su poder y también su popularidad... ¿Este año perderá la presidencia de la nación estadounidense?

Donald Trump: Fugindo dos impostos de renda? Sim!

As eleições para a presiência americana acontecerão em breve e para o polêmico Donald Trump, as coisas não andam nada bem. Ao longo dos últimos meses, eles vem colecionando situações e discursos que estão complicando ainda mais à sua imagem perante a nação americana. Desde os protestos anti-racistas as inimizades internacionais, o fato é que a popularidade dele anda caindo cada vez mais.

O obstáculo mais recente na corrida presidencial de Trump foi divulgado pelo The New York Times no último final de semana e trouxe uma revelação que está mexendo com os ânimos das pessoas que são contra o governo dele: ele não tem pago os impostos de renda há dez anos (em um total de 15 anos antes da sua eleição), e além disso, nos anos de 2016 e 2017, ele só pagou U$750 dólares (um valor bem inferior ao que um civil costuma pagar anualmente).

Apesar de já ter dado explicações sobre esse fato (que aliás, ele manteve em segredo por muitos anos), as alegações de Trump não estão sendo vistas como verdadeiras porque ele já pagou valores muitos mais robustos em impostos de renda para outros países (por exemplo: Índia e Filipinas) onde algumas das suas empresas funcionam. Algo que aconteceu no ano de 2017 e mostra que ele realmente não está cumprindo com suas obrigações como um civil.

Segundo, Alan Garten (advogado de Trump):

"Na última década, o presidente Trump pagou dezenas de milhões de dólares em impostos ao governo federal, inclusive milhões desde que anunciou sua candidatura em 2015."

Rapidamente essa situação tem se tornado uma grande dor de cabeça para Trump, que terá um longo caminho pela frente para poder se explicar melhor quando o primeiro debate contra o concorrente Joe Biden acontecer. Aos poucos, Trump vem perdendo o seu poder e também sua popularidade... Será que esse ano ele perderá a cadeira de presidente da nação americana?


Don’t they teach you in business school to maximize your deductions and lower your tax bracket? Sounds like good tax planning to me.

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Income tax records are confidential, so basically the New York Times, or the party providing those so-called records broke the law.

Where are the calls for Joe Bidens Tax records?

Why have they not been released?

What about ex president Obama? Or Clinton?

When will we see Bill Gates or George Soro's income tax records?

If Trump followed the rules and regulations in force during those years and was not audited by the Government for 15 years prior to his being President, then he followed the rules and laws of income tax filing.

He's hiding something from you.

Is he hiding something or are his challengers and detractors making up stories? The IRS doesn't care how rich you are, if they think you broke the law they will go after you, the SEC, (securities and exchange commission), will go after you if you violate the rules and laws regardless of how wealthy a person is.

IRS records are confidential in nature and NYT or someone Broke the Law. or made a story up to fit their agenda.


Where are the calls for Joe Bidens Tax records?
Why have they not been released?
What about ex president Obama? Or Clinton?

Huh? Biden, Obama, and the Clintons ALL released their taxes. DuckDuckGo is your friend.

When will we see Bill Gates or George Soro's income tax records?

I wasn’t aware that either of them was running for President.


I also was unaware of the release of the other records, As far as I know tax records are still confidential documents.

It just seems to me that most of the news stories are pretty much one sided, but such is life, no one ever said it would be fair. We need less polarization in our media. It would have been easy for the NYT to put in table form taxes paid by both individuals running, and then a comparison of past presidents.

While Soro's and Gates may not be running for President, they are having as much if not more effect on the elections than most other individuals or foreign countries, of course that is just my own opinion.


Interesante leer una publicación en tres idiomas y el portugués que siempre he querido aprenderlo. Te seguiré.


Or he is rich, or he doesn't pay taxes. If both happens it is immoral to say the least.


...Yeah this isn't the 'gotcha' some people think it is. Back during the 2016 debates he straight up said he exploited every loophole available. The very idea he is paying very little many years comes as a shock to absolutely nobody.

Not even taking into account some years billionaires do operate at a loss, something that could explain the very low taxes. This is one of the stupidest ways to attack Trump. Hell, this isn't even the first time his taxes have been leaked, the first time was when Rachal Maddow read them out on air, and it turns out that year he paid a higher rate than either of his main opponents at the time, Clinton and Sanders.

The Extradition of Assange, continued support of US Surveillance programs, and even his desire to ban flag burning again, all of these are fantastic critisims of the man. Pointing out he exploited the tax laws (Which he already admited to doing) pushed through the legislature by the very people he is currently running against? Yeah, this isn't even going to phase anyone.


To add to this, I can't verify because NTY, the ones who broke the story, is behind a paywall. But apperently this is part of the article.


If that's true, the idea he only paid $750 is, at best, misleading.
