My 3D artworks... #147


Digital Paintings...

My painting #147,

Hello friends,

And now it's time to share my painting, of course, I did this painting yesterday, and today I want to share it with its process, two shining blue pearls as always seen in my painting, which is protected by shapes, I have created shadows on the background by lighting, and I have used dark material in the background ... which you often see in my work, because it plays a great role in creating shadows ...
I enjoy seeing shadows in my work, maybe that's why I use lights and materials in my paintings that create shadows in the background, and that's why most of my paintings have a black background. ...
Have you ever played with your shadow? Have you tried to create shapes with the shadow of your hand that has fallen on the wall? Sometimes it is pleasant if the child inside us is active and does such things ...

and here is my artwork (Created by Cinema 4D):


and here you can see the process of this painting:

Screenshot (967).png

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Screenshot (957).png

THANK YOU for your attention...

Stay Safe..
