My 3D artworks... #149


Digital Paintings...

My painting #149,

Hello friends,

Painting number 149, it has a meaning, it means that I have been working with this program for 149 days, digital painting, cinema 4D, I do a painting every day and share its steps with you,
After reading my favorite books or watching my favorite series during the day, painting is something I enjoy doing it daily, and I'm happy to share how I do my paintings with you ...
I was hoping to become much more skilled in this work, but the situation is such that I have to spend more time to be able to add to my knowledge ...
Its time to share my painting and its steps, hope you like it...

and here is my artwork (Created by Cinema 4D):


and here you can see the process of this painting:

Screenshot (991).png

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Screenshot (981).png

THANK YOU for your attention...

Stay Safe..
