My 3D artworks... #162


Digital Paintings...

My painting #162,

Hello friends,

It is time for sharing my painting number 163, I will share the 163rd painting with its steps, I hope you like it ...
Has it ever occurred to you that when everything is going well and you have no worries and stress, everything is good, the weather is sunny and the night is full of stars, the sound of birds singing during the day and the sound of crickets in the night is heard ...
However, you feel sad... And you do not even know what you are sad about... Maybe this is a kind of missing ... missing for someone you do not know who he is... Maybe someone in your life who was in the past and is now forgotten, but somewhere in your heart, there is a feeling of missing ...

and here is my artwork (Created by Cinema 4D):


and here you can see the process of this painting:

Screenshot (1152).png

Screenshot (1151).png

Screenshot (1150).png

Screenshot (1149).png

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Screenshot (1143).png

Screenshot (1142).png

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Screenshot (1138).png

Screenshot (1139).png

THANK YOU for your attention...

Stay Safe..
