The Power of Polemic at Proof of Brain.


You've probably noticed, right? Posts that bring up a controversial topic always receive more votes and engagement in the community. I myself have had a controversial publication that had a great repercussion. As much as, honestly, I really had no expectations of it would happen.

But why does this happen? I've been reflecting, and I believe that one of the reasons is that when Whales believe that the publication can bring interesting reflections for the entire community, they vote for the post to have good visibility.

Provoking discussions among community members makes everyone use their Brain Power to find solutions to the issues raised. And of course, it's not just about solutions, it's about coming across different perspectives and in that way we learn and teach each other a little of our culture and our knowledge about something.

But, after all, is controversial posts having a high visibility something positive or negative? And if Proof of Brain is about that: How flashy are the issues that do you approaches in your article?


Honestly, I don't think this is a problem to some extent. It's not a problem to write something that makes people wonder about some Big Truth. But, it gets ugly when we try to impose our truth; what seems real to us, to others is just any conspiracy theory (and we know there are many, right?).

It's okay for me if the most valued articles in Proof Of Brain are about things that make us think, argue, rack our brains thinking about. But it's a problem, if it is an attempt to impose a personal truth without any an invitation to question the content covered.

I've been here for two months now, and the meaning of Proof of Brain has started to materialize for me. The meaning that has materialized so far is that Proof of Brain is about reflection and questioning. It's as if this community were a modern philosophical way of discussing and consider with the aim of bringing new knowledge or new understanding to someone.

But of course, as much as I think that way, in practice what I see is that the community isn't just about that. And I'm not saying it should be though... But, for me it makes sense, and it's okay, that posts that bring important questions, whether about the community or about life, have more votes and visibility.

What do you think about this?

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I think the polemic could be created by purpose to create the hype. That's the only way I can explain that.

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In a group of people, it's rare that there aren't these disagreements... I'm not following much, I just hope that everything is resolved.

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