I may never get the chance to take care of my old parents... So why wait?

Where I come from, families prefer waiting until the older folks in their family die before they spend money on them. While they are alive, they neglect taking care of them by giving them access to good food, good healthcare, shelter, and clothing.

They prefer to wait and probably pray that these oldies will die quickly so they can give them befitting burials (so they claim) and do away with thoughts of them.

The whole ideology sucks when I look at it. I mean, why wait till he or she dies, then spend money they would not be a party to on their burial arrangements? Why didn't you give them that money when they were alive to help them live longer?

I have this old woman living close by who has been neglected by her children. She struggles to fane for herself, you would think she is the only one on earth but,no.

She has children she trained, and gotten married off, but, none visits, nor sends her money.

The kitchen she uses to cook has no covering, and if rain falls, she literally won't be eating dinner that day. I don't even want to talk about her apartment. When it rains, everywhere is covered with water, and I wonder if she sleeps well at night. I wonder if she doesn't cry over the children she nursed and they have decided to desert her.

I know it's not easy for anyone especially when it comes to money. But it doesn't matter, does it? Even a small amount can go a long way to help. Children over here should learn to take care of their parents.

I know I am still very tiny, and earning very little, and my parents still pay my tuition fee, but, I make sure I send them money. Not that they couldn't afford it, but, I love seeing the smiles on their faces, and receiving hugs especially from mum.

Watching my parents smile because of me, give me joy

I do not want to wait until they die before I show them I love them, and how much I appreciate all of their efforts, no. I want them to reap the fruits of their labor as young as they are.

Also, right now the amount they receive is very small as compared to everything they have done for me. I know with time, the small amount will increase to large ones.

I do not want to wait until I have access to a large sum of money before I give them some. I may never think it's enough if I wait...

The phrase in my language states, "ese toho ke edab ekpeb mkpa", meaning that, "one learns to die through his sleep"

You see, little by little giving explodes, and I want a situation whereby giving to my parents becomes a habit, a habit that does not change over time, but, enlarges.

Money never finishes because we give out, it only grows. I am sure anyone who does not give isn't because they are selfish, it's because they feel, it will finish.

So they choose to hoard. The funny thing about this set of people is that one problem usually comes out of nowhere and sweeps every dime. I don't know if it's karma, but, it's usually a small problem that escalates out of proportion, and they had no choice but to spend the money they have been hoarding.

Do most of the people die and leave behind untrace amounts of money because no one knew it exists in the first place? Yes, it happens all the time. Most people who hoard money get so bad that they do not even spend them on themselves. The fear of losing everything and not getting it back makes them sulk over money.

The beauty of giving is that you will not be afraid. Once you understand how money works, you won't be afraid to spend on yourself, the lives of others, invest as you go.

Spending on our parents is a sort of investment too, we invest in karma, and fate has a way of balancing those things we did as we grew up, to facilitate what we get as we grow old.

Life is a garbage in, garbage out, I say this often, and the scripture even said, we should do to others, what we want to be done to us. And if we take care of our parents, destiny harvests their happiness, and grant us open doors and happiness in the near future.

A lot of us may never have the chance to take care of our parents if we wait until the grass is green. You cannot bet on them living for a long time, so why wait, and take chances when you can do the little you can now.

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I hate to write this, but I think this kind of behavior is rather common in Canada and the United States. I have been in Argentina for over 15 years and I have never heard of "care homes." This are like reverse orphanages for the elderly.


I hate to write this, but I think this kind of behavior is rather common in Canada and the United States

I guess it happens everywhere and it's heartbreaking 😭

I have been in Argentina for over 15 years and I have never heard of "care homes." This are like reverse orphanages for the elderly.

Is having care homes in a country a good thing? I am asking because I am hearing about it for the first time

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No. I don't think it is a good thing. The whole concept of them denying people from visiting another, doesn't sound like a place I'd want to go. How dare they do that. That sounds like jail.

I'd say, let the parents move in. Take care of them as they took care of you...


The whole concept of them denying people from visiting another, doesn't sound like a place I'd want to go.

You mean no one visits their parents in those care homes? That's not fair at all 😟

I'd say, let the parents move in. Take care of them as they took care of you...

Even though they don't move in, the children can make sure they are comfortable wherever it is their parents live

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No, people were actually prevented from seeing their parents for months last year. This wsa with the COVID excuse. I know that my mother is not allowed to see a friend of hers. His children doesn't want her to visit him. This was without the COVID excuse.


If it's the virus, it's important they stay quarantine and lose contact with people until they recover

But without the Covid excuse, it's not fair at all

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Am not trying to look away from your view boss ,but I want to say why should their be a care home for the elderly one's when they have children,to me mere looking at that it means the children has fail in the aspect of taking responsibility in terms of taking good care of their aged parents or guidances.

Aside that, am not from that part of the country and have not been there before,but would love to ask what is the essence of the care home or should I say we have aged people who are treated like orphans with no one to care for them ?

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My view is that it is that these places are traps. Children should care for the parents.


Yes that of United States I had a story of a philosopher that said when you are ages they should do away with them due to their ability and capabilities of their strength to society.

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It's so unfortunate that someone would prefer giving his or her parents a befitting burial than actually taking care of them when they are alife, it's so pathetic and this type of behaviour or attitude is also common in Nigeria I hope someday we will get to realise that parents are the god we have on earth and as such we need to take good care of them while they are alive there is no blessing greater than a parent's blessing

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It's so unfortunate that someone would prefer giving his or her parents a befitting burial than actually taking care of them when they are alife, it's so pathetic and this type of behaviour or attitude is also common in Nigeria

I am so glad someone agrees that it's a terrible behavior.

I hope someday we will get to realise that parents are the god we have on earth and as such we need to take good care of them while they are alive

We can change the dynamics of this beliefs by starting with our families, then, it will flow from our blood to that of the next generation. From there, subsequent generation will learn to appreciate their parents more.

there is no blessing greater than a parent's blessing

Most people realizes this too late in life....

Thanks for coming around, sir

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My most important investment is in my family. Currently i only have one parent and i do my best so she can be comfort. It isn't the easiest thing but i try. She admits that i have made the load for her easy and that is my badge of honour. Family first.

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My most important investment is in my family

It pleases me to hear this, sir

Currently i only have one parent and i do my best so she can be comfort.

I am sorry about the lost of your other parent, but, I am very happy you are taking good care of your mum

It isn't the easiest thing but i try. She admits that i have made the load for her easy and that is my badge of honour. Family first.

I am very proud of you as much as your mum is. Keep the spark burning ☺️

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From my own perspective, u dont have to wait for your parents to get old before you start to take are of them.i encourage every one of us to wake up to our duty call and give our parents the best.

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From my own perspective, u dont have to wait for your parents to get old before you start to take are of them.i encourage every one of us to wake up to our duty call and give our parents the best.

Well said, we need to all wake up and give our parents the best of all that we can

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This is a very nice content mate and the importance of old age is seen here too and I want to say you have done well enough to have put this together too, I don't really have much to say mate as other users as done justice to this content.

A lot of us may never have the chance to take care of our parents if we wait until the grass is green. You cannot bet on them living for a long time, so why wait, and take chances when you can do the little you can now.

As regards the statement of your above ,I want to say the mentality is very bad and I must say I do understand why people do think they Way at times,mayb due to the fact that they really want a good life for thier parent in which I strongly agreed with .

But on the other side it is very important that should have it at the back of our heart that we are not the in charge of controlling the happening of life as unwanted things like death might actually struck if we are of the mentality that things must be fine before we will take good of them.

So I want to say that irespective how small or little it might be,it will be of help if we do the little we can and even via that their prayers too can trurn those little to big, cause I really hate thr ideology of spending much during burial ceremony ,while less was given to them while they are alive

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times,mayb due to the fact that they really want a good life for thier parent in which I strongly agreed with .

Yes, most times, it because of these thoughts. They feel they have to wait until the grass is green before they give to their mum and dad

The thing is there will never be a best time, they will always think it's not enough

That's why I said this 👇👇

I do not want to wait until I have access to a large sum of money before I give them some. I may never think it's enough if I wait...

unwanted things like death might actually struck if we are of the mentality that things must be fine before we will take good of them.

No one wants their parents to die nor other bad things to happen to them, no. But we cannot tell what the future holds. Whether or not they live longer, we should do the little we can for them. If they live long, good, if they don't, they will be resting with joy and happiness of a life well spent.

cause I really hate thr ideology of spending much during burial ceremony ,while less was given to them while they are alive

it's sucks...... really 😩

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I wonder how people neglect the people that brought them up.
You see some of them bringing up false accusations like oh! My parents are now witches! Or something absurd.

We should learn to take care of our parents while they are still alive because when they're gone, you may live with the regrets.

The smiles they give you is priceless. And it goes a long way to bring more good things in your life.

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You see some of them bringing up false accusations like oh! My parents are now witches! Or something absurd.

Gosh..... This is the most terrible experience of them all. When they took care of the children, they weren't witches and wizards until it was the children's turn to take care of them

We should learn to take care of our parents while they are still alive because when they're gone, you may live with the regrets.

Exactly my point.... 😴

The smiles they give you is priceless. And it goes a long way to bring more good things in your life.

Our parent's smiles and happiness brings us luck.... We should cherish them.

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Family are part of every one success if life,they take care of you right from their wom,they also give birth to you,some gave you best Edication to become successful in life,time for them to enjoy you, you neglect them, you refuse send them money to take care of thier self why,you save your money to spend for when they live this sinful would that is bad, is good to take good care of you parent when they are alive.nice post.

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That's true, we need to take care of our parents when they are alive instead of waiting to spend on them when they die

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I really enjoy the part u took in taking caring of Ur parent really impress me,I wish my own parent are still together so I can help them with the little I have too.talking about giving I believed giving should thing from some heart not for people to see what u ar giving ,some people give to be praise.

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me,I wish my own parent are still together so I can help them with the little I have too

Where did your parents go? 🥺

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Sometimes I get too carried away with the journey of self to even remember my parents. They've been through so much for my sake and they'll surely kill to see me move forward. This is an eye opener. Tank you

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Sometimes I get too carried away with the journey of self to even remember my parents.

Sorry about that

They've been through so much for my sake and they'll surely kill to see me move forward.

That's the love of parents for you

This is an eye opener. Tank you

My pleasure 🙂

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I see it in two different ways,- they feel that if they save that money it might help them when they need it most. Second, they feel that the time was not right so save it for a serious situation. When they're unable to decide and the time is beyond their control, they spend it to show they cared... cheers!


I see it in two different ways,- they feel that if they save that money it might help them when they need it most. Second, they feel that the time was not right so save it for a serious situation.

I understand what you mean, and most of us are guilty, but then, most times, we never really have the chance to show how much we care, and our parents die

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But that's how things are or should I say that's the way the cookie crumbles!


Hahahahaha.... You can say it anyway you want

should I say that's the way the cookie crumbles!

I like this one though 😊

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"better done than perfect". Not paying proper attention, whether financial or emotional, to one's parents is an unforgivable mistake in my opinion. There's no reason to live your life ignoring everything you've received from your parents (I'm obviously talking about parents who really love their kids).


"better done than perfect".

Yeah, we shouldn't wait until life is perfect to do these things

Not paying proper attention, whether financial or emotional, to one's parents is an unforgivable mistake in my opinion.

I hope that we will change our ways, so this mistake can be avoided

There's no reason to live your life ignoring everything you've received from your parents

No, there shouldn't be any of such reasons

I'm obviously talking about parents who really love their kids

Are they parents who don't love their children, sir?

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Just came across this... Wow!, Very inspiring...

Recent happening proves exactly what you have stated, not just where you come from, it happens where I come from too...

A child will be known as a billionaire in a state while his siblings and parents are suffering in the village... You buy big houses and cars in the city but you can't set up your parents home in the village, this happens a lot in Nigeria...

Not just to parents, siblings do same to themselves, how can someone club all day with different ladies while his brother is hawking just to survive...

I'm not judging anyone here but family should come first, only them can you run to when things go bad..

If only we could think of how our parents took good care of us, we should let a scratch on them...


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