Time Freedom - The new face of freedom


The word "freedom" is indeed an interesting one. It simply means having the ability to take action without having to deal with undue constraints. For example, our ability to do whatever we want without being forced or coerced to do it shows that we are free. In the same manner, we can opt not to do some things even if the rest of the world is doing it. That's the height of freedom.

At the moment, the type of freedom we want has grown beyond the desire to speak or act as we deem fit. That much is already being enjoyed by a whole lot of people.

No offence meant to those that do not have freedom wherever they are.

There are a lot of people that are still tied down and gagged by the inconveniences that are surrounding their existence. Many do not have freedom of speech where they are and the same applies to freedom of movement. For lack of better terms, let's just assume that it's happening due to some legally enacted limitations to their freedom.

By the way, some of these limitations are inhumane. Talking about the ban of Twitter in Nigeria, forced return of whistleblowers to their home country as done in Japan, mandatory covid19 vaccination as practised in Indonesia and a lot more. These practices cripple people's freedom. It's sad to say, but there is no way for people to enjoy 100% freedom in any part of the world.

The new face of freedom

Our world is drifting in the direction where people want to spend their time freely, doing what they love and what adds value to them.

Time as you know is a scarce commodity. Any time lost, can never be retrieved and that's why those that masters the art of time management are held in high esteem across the different professional disciplines we have. In case you haven't noticed, take a moment to observe the life of those that are currently living on their terms. You will see that a lot of these people invested their time in the right things, places and people.

That's what I'm also trying to recreate. Being someone that loves my freedom, I know that I need to step up in a lot of ways. Investing my time in the right things at this stage will make it possible for me to have more time to live out my dreams in a way that is thrilling and fulfilling.

Of course, none of this will happen just because I want it to happen. It takes a great deal of effort. I'm glad that I'm making that effort in the right places.

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