Measure Your Objectives Progress - A Simple Practical Approach



Today I offer you some thoughts on effectively setting your goals, more precisely, how to set progress.
I will not get into models such as SMART, GEO, TOTE, micro or macro strategies for your Vision, Mission, and Goals.

You're about to enjoy an easy approach, as well as a practical one today.



Motto: Goals are deadlines.

How do you know you're on the right track? This is an important question for the time being. One of the most common things that happens in connection with the pursuit of goals is the appearance of interference.

There are all kinds of things that can distract you. Starting with minor elements (TV, telephone) to other objectives that may seem more important or more urgent.

For this reason, it is important to be flexible in finding methods for setting and monitoring progress:

First of all, the objectives must be delimited in time.

You can do this in two ways:
You set a clear deadline or you set an approximate number of weeks in which to achieve what you set out to do.

They should cover the following ranges:

  • short term (next month)
  • medium term (between one and six months)
  • long term (six months - one year)

Second, you need to specifically decide how you will monitor progress. "I want to dance better." is a goal that seems too ambiguous. "I want to be able to dance samba and rumba in three months." is a better goal.

Certain objectives are measurable in very specific terms. For example, you can say "I'll run 1500 meters in six minutes". This is a goal that has a specific measurement.

Other objectives can be measured by less tangible methods. Here it is important to be careful how you feel or what you feel about the progress you have made. For example, "I will be calm when talking to my wife." assumes a certain perception of calm. This is a goal with subjective measurement. The disadvantage here is the lack of a unit of measurement.

Here are some exercises you can try.

  1. Establish methods for measuring the progress of your goals. For each of the 3-5 objectives set, choose the monitoring methods:
  • deadline or duration
  • specific or subjective measurement
  1. For subjective objectives here is what you can do:
    Establish a scale for the current situation: from 1 to ten, what is the current level? For example, what level of calm do you have at the moment? One? Two? Opt ... and so on.

Use your intuition to determine this.
Then think about what level you want to be in the future? Five? Ten? Trust that your intuition will allow you to clearly identify the moment when you will achieve the goal by the way you will feel then.

  1. Write down on a piece of paper or on the computer the results obtained in exercises 1 and 2!
    You will know that you have completed these exercises when while taking these steps for setting and improving your methods of measuring progress for each of your goals.

Good luck!

With respect,


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Getting the distractions out of mind makes work so much more progressive. That's why I DO NOT LOOK at my phone when I am trying to work. Usually, nothing social will accomplish your dreams.

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True, distraction is the enemy of accomplishment.
Phones are useful tools, but easily become distractions.

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I have to say that no song, ringtone, the melody of my phones was ever something I liked. I never liked them, not even the relaxing ones. So I keep changing them from time to time. They are a meta=signal of disturbance...I'm laughing at myself now....but it's true.


I am keeping my phone on low ringing volume for about 1 month and it works perfectly. When I take a break from what I am doing, I call people back. I'm very satisfied I found this method for working hours.
Thank you for reading, Phil, and for your input, as well!


They cannot accomplish our dreams ,phones are among the major source of distractions and it has affected alot of people negatively.....@phusionphil so ensuring that you do not look at your phone while planning to work is a good decision...

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Good post,
Ideas without goals are just dreams.
Dreams are great, but unless they are acted upon, they never amount to anything,
Goals help get you started on the road to accomplishment.

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Yes, we dream and then we put one brick after another. It's our duty towards ourselves to build those dreams. And anybody and everything contributing to that is effective blessings!
Thank you for reading this and for your feedback!
