POB Word of the Week : Power by vempromundo


I have sometimes heard people wondering if they would prefer to have money or power. And in my first post participating in the Word of the week of the great @calumam, I will dissect a text about this questioning.

Clearly, my approaches will not bring an answer, as it is totally subjective about the scenario where the interlocutor is inserted. Sometimes the answer will be one, sometimes another and even both with one being a consequence of the other.

Place of residence

The locality is an important point when people answer money, since many who do not have access to the basics, will always choose to survive, in which case the power would only serve to try to coerce other people and that would not necessarily put food in their table if the person is exercising power over people who also do not have the minimum.

Okay, I know that a dictator, for example, could leave others with even less and get the basics to provide for their offspring, but when you ask if you want power or money it refers to a significant amount for you to have to make that choice. In this way, we are talking about enough money for you not to worry symmetrically enough power for you not to fear.

So, in places where misery is great, we know that money is more important than power, and that consequently that money will become power.

In places where money for survival is not a problem of first urgency, we noticed small groups influencing people in their own way, a kind of liquidator of cause. That alias, building liquidators in addition to sometimes receiving cash bonuses are still found in the building's kings, these are often in office more for power, for the feeling of bossing someone around (which I find very strange and disturbing, and I suggest therapy) than for the real feeling of money (which in the case when it is for money only, it is because they are people who do not want a conventional job and have discovered that they can receive to stay at home and give tips about how others should to live, which was probably done before he was a liquidator).

People like to influence and be influenced, whether you teach someone something new or even learn something you didn't know yet, or didn't have the mastery to perform. Influence begins when you find leadership for a particular problem or cause with people who agree with what that leader is talking about, but are not as motivated to take the lead in the process.

Power is a transitory thing, since it depends on the person who has it in hand to know the wishes of those around him, be it a problem at the municipal, state or even federal level. The leader has to give the feeling that he is doing something, otherwise a new neighborhood leader appears and begins to take his place little by little.

Dependent people

The relationship of people dependent on the power arising from money is more possible to be visualized, since we have several cases where this happens. And we can bring an example that is easy to be explored, which is the case of high level athletes.

I will use the example of Brazil, which is the country where I live.

Brazilian football, well known for its 5 stars on the chest of the World Cup champion, makes every child in a situation of poverty have the dream of playing football. After all, any ball that you know how to kick a little differently already enters hundreds of thousands of dollars in your bank account.

However, now comes into account the issue of family and dependents of that player who started to earn a lot of money with football.

Often this player has 10, 15 or even 20 people who depend on their money to survive, be it parents, uncles, cousins ​​or any other bond where any amount that comes will be of great help.

At that time comes the situation of power in question of vulnerability (or even opportunity, since a relative is earning a lot, the person settles down and says he / she is not getting a job and needs help, which never ends), once that the player who had difficulty as a child does not want to see his neighbors go through the same situation.

An example that we can see a fine tuning of a player between the two situations is that of the player Neymar Jr., where he left the whole responsible issue off the field to his father (thus being the holder of power) defining where the son will play , how much will be the salary and transfer costs. At the other end Neymar only cares about his time off partying and enjoying his life (choosing the money) no matter if his voice influences millions of people or not.

Neymar cared about having power within the four lines, where we can accurately see his dominance of the environment in the Brazilian team, charging all fouls, all penalties, not being charged by any teammate for fear of reprisals. There Neymar has his little feud where he is king playing from the middle to the left, a position that if you are a soccer player currently you will have to accept to play the second half or warm up the bench.

Family relationships

Since the society started to exist, we see that certain individuals tend to follow the traces of their ancestors, maintaining, in a certain way, a relationship of tradition of family customs.

When you have a householder who provides all the needs for your offspring, he longs for one of them to take the rails when he decides he needs to rest after a lifetime of work, and so on with his next descendants.

The power relationship is no different.

The King said he had blue blood, and it was not by chance, just as a farmer believed that he should pass on his land to his son, the King believed that he should pass the throne to his son, and thus raising the question that they held this power because of his blood and his lineage, and that the son was the holder of that power, being able to subdue those who were below the way he wanted, after all he inherited that power, soon it would be his obligation to exercise it.

However, for today it is no different, how many parents in politics, when they no longer have influence, try to make their children hold this position, as if it were a blue-blooded family that can never leave political and state power, and that deals with power that he exercises in his voters as something of a family that goes from father to son ad aeternum.

As I don't know much about international family politics, even though I have the practical example of 2016 with the Clinton family trying to return to power, I can easily remember some names of Brazilian politics where I am most easily inserted.

An emblematic case of 2010 was when the politician Joaquim Roriz investigated by the Brazilian Supreme Court, known as STF (Supreme Federal Court), was in the process of hunting down his political rights for acts of corruption, so he indicated to run for the position of Governor his wife Weslian Roriz. Where she had never held any public office, her only glories being the position of first lady, that is, we noticed that the power was in Joaquim's hand.

Thus, Weslian went to the debates, where she noticed that she was the most lost of the candidates, since she was always the shadow of her husband and was just running for fear of him winning and not being able to take over because of the process. Roriz showed total lack of capacity for the position he was aiming for, failing to answer questions and having to look in a large book with notes on what he would like to ask, and what he should answer in the debate. One of his pearls being the phrase: "I want to defend all that corruption". A flawed act that she did not even tickle the popularity of the husband being investigated. After all Weslian went to the second round with 31% of the valid votes, losing in the second round to Agnelo Queiroz also a career politician who did not get reelection.

That way we can see how the power has a strong influence, since the voters influenced by Joaquim blindly voted for his wife, who had no idea what she was doing in the electoral period, and was nominated to run just so that that political group or that family did not lose the power it wielded in that region.

Some conclusions

We note that even though the question has each effect in a given scenario, at a certain point they work together. Well-applied power can bring money to its holder, or assets that resemble what money would compare to. Just like money depending on the amount and those around you, it can bring you a sense of power over those who depend on your earnings.

This is my participation post. If you liked it leave a feedback in the comments.

Algumas vezes ouvi pessoas se questionando se prefereriam ter, dinheiro ou poder. E na minha primeira postagem participando do Word of the week do grande @calumam, vou dissecar um texto sobre esse questionamento.

Claramente minhas abordagens não trarão uma resposta, pois ela é totalmente subjetiva acerca do cenário onde o interlocutor está inserido. Por vezes a resposta será uma, por vezes outra e até mesmo ambas com uma sendo consequência da outra.

Local onde reside

A localidade é um ponto importante quando as pessoas respondem dinheiro, uma vez que muitos que não tem acesso ao básico, sempre irão optar por sua sobrevivência, e nesse caso o poder serviria apenas para tentar coagir outras pessoas e isso não necessariamente colocaria comida na sua mesa se a pessoa estiver exercendo poder sobre pessoas que também não tem o mínimo.

Ok, eu sei que um ditador por exemplo, poderia deixar os outros com ainda menos e conseguir o básico para provir sua prole, mas quando se pergunta se quer poder ou dinheiro remete a uma quantia significativa para você ter que fazer essa escolha. Desse modo, estamos falando de dinheiro o suficiente para você não se preocupar e simetricamente poder suficiente para você não temer.

Então, em locais onde a miséria é grande, sabemos que dinheiro é mais importante que poder, e que consequentemente esse dinheiro se tornará o poder.

Já em locais onde o dinheiro para sobrevivência não é problema de primeira urgência, notamos pequenos grupos influênciando pessoas de suas maneiras, uma espécie de síndicos de causa. Que alias, síndicos de prédio além de receberem por vezes bonificação em dinheiro ainda se acham os reis do prédio, esses muitas vezes estão no cargo mais pelo poder, pela sensação de mandar em alguém (o que eu acho isso muito estranho e pertubador, e sugiro terapia) do que pela sensação de fato do dinheiro (o que no caso quando é pelo dinheiro apenas, é porque é uma pessoas que não quer um trabalho convencional e descobriu que pode receber para ficar em casa e dar pitacos sobre como os outros devem viver, coisa que provavelmente já era feito antes de ser síndico).

Pessoas gostam de influenciar e ser influenciadas, seja para você ensinar algo novo para alguém ou até aprender algo que você ainda não sabia, ou não tinha a maestria para executar. A influência começa quando se encontra uma liderança para um determinado problema ou causa juntamente com pessoas que concordam com o que esse líder está falando, mas não estão tão motivadas para tomarem a frente do processo.

O poder é algo transitório, visto que depende da pessoa que está com ele em mãos saber os anseios dos que estão a sua volta, seja um problema a nível municipal, estadual ou até mesmo federal. O líder tem que passar a sensação de que ele está fazendo algo, senão uma nova liderança de bairro aparece e começa a tomar seu lugar aos poucos.

Pessoas dependentes

A relação de pessoas dependentes ao poder advindo do dinheiro é mais possível ser visualizado, vez que temos diversos casos onde isso acontece. E podemos trazer um exemplo fácil de ser explorado que é o caso dos atletas de alto nível.

Vou usar o exemplo do Brasil que é o país onde moro.

O futebol brasileiro muito conhecido por suas 5 estrelas no peito de campeão da Copa do Mundo, faz com que cada criança em situação de pobreza tenha o sonho de jogar futebol. Afinal, qualquer bola que você souber chutar um pouco diferente já entra centenas de milhares de dólares na sua conta bancária.

Porém, agora entra na conta a questão familiar e de dependentes daquele jogador que começou a ganhar muito dinheiro com futebol.

Muitas vezes esse jogador tem 10, 15 ou até mesmo 20 pessoas que dependem do seu dinheiro para sobreviver, seja pais, tios, primos ou qualquer outro vínculo onde qualquer quantia que vier será de grande ajuda.

Nessa hora entra a situação de poder em questão da vulnerabilidade (ou até mesmo da oportunidade, visto que um parente está ganhando muito, a pessoa se acomoda e diz que não está conseguindo emprego e precisa de uma ajuda, que nunca acaba), uma vez que o jogador que passou dificuldade quando criança não quer ver seus próximos passarem pela mesma situação.

Um exemplo que podemos ver uma sintonia fina de um jogador entre as duas situações é do jogador Neymar Jr., onde ele deixou toda a questão responsável de fora do campo para seu pai (dessa maneira sendo o detentor do poder) definindo onde o filho jogará, quanto será o salário e os custos de transferências. Na outra ponta Neymar só se preocupa nas suas folgas em festar e curtir sua vida (escolhendo o dinheiro) não se importando se sua voz influência milhões de pessoas ou não.

Neymar se importou em ter o poder dentro das quatro linhas, onde podemos ver com exatidão o seu domínio do ambiente na Seleção Brasileira, cobrando todas as faltas, todos os pênaltis, não sendo cobrado por nenhum companheiro por medo de represálias. Ali Neymar tem o seu pequeno feudo onde ele é rei jogando do meio pra esquerda, posição que se você for um jogador de futebol atualmente terá que aceitar jogar o segundo tempo ou esquentar tranquilamente o banco de reservas.

Relações familiares

Desde que a sociedade começou a existir vemos que certos indivíduos tendem a seguir rastros de seus ascendentes, mantendo de certa maneira uma relação de tradição de costumes familiares.

Quando se tem um chefe de família que provém todas as necessidades para sua prole, ele almeja que uma delas assuma os trilhos quando ele decidir que precisa descansar depois de uma vida de trabalho, e assim sucessivamente com seus próximos descendentes.

Na relação de poder não é diferente.

O Rei dizia ter sangue azul, e não era por acaso, assim como um fazendeiro acreditava que deveria repassar suas terras para seu filho, o rei acreditava que deveria passar o trono para o filho, e dessa forma trazendo a questão de que eles detiam esse poder por causa do seu sangue e sua linhagem, e que o filho era detentor desse poder, podendo subjulgar os que estavam abaixo da maneira que quisesse, afinal ele herdou esse poder, logo seria sua obrigação exerce-lo.

Porém para os dias atuais não é diferente, quantos pais na política quando não tem mais influência, tentam fazer seus filho detentores desse cargo, como se fosse uma família de sangue azul que nunca pode sair do poder político e estatal, e que trata o poder que exerce em seus eleitores como algo de família que vai de pai pra filho ad aeternum.

Como não conheço muito a política familiar internacional, mesmo tendo o exemplo prático de 2016 com a família Clinton tentando voltar ao poder, posso lembrar facilmente alguns nomes da política brasileira onde estou mais facilmente inserido.

Um caso emblemático de 2010 foi quando o político Joaquim Roriz investigado pela Suprema Corte brasileira, conhecida como STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal), estava em processo de caçar seus direitos políticos por atos de corrupção, então ele indicou para concorrer ao cargo de Governadora sua esposa Weslian Roriz. Onde essa nunca havia tido nenhum cargo público tendo suas únicas glórias a posição de primeira dama, ou seja, notamos que o poder estava na mão de Joaquim.

Dessa forma, Weslian foi aos debates, onde notava que era a mais perdida dos candidatos, uma vez que sempre esteve a sombra do marido e estava apenas concorrendo por medo deste ganhar e não poder assumir por causa do processo. Roriz mostrou total falta de capacidade para a posição que estava almejando não conseguindo responder perguntas e tendo que procurar em um grande livro com anotações sobre o que gostaria de perguntar, e o que deveria responder no debate. Sendo umas de suas pérolas a frase: "quero defender toda aquela corrupção". Ato falho que não fez nem cócegas na popularidade do marido que estava sendo investigado. Afinal Weslian foi para o segundo turno com 31% dos votos válidos, perdendo no segundo turno para Agnelo Queiroz também um político de carreira que não conseguiu a reeleição.

Dessa forma podemos notar como o poder tem forte influência, visto que os eleitores influênciados por Joaquim votaram cegamente em sua esposa, que não tinha a menor noção do que estava fazendo no período eleitoral, e foi nomeada para concorrer apenas para que aquele grupo político ou aquela família não perdesse o poder que exercia naquela região.

Algumas conclusões

Notamos que mesmo a pergunta tendo cada efeito em um determinado cenário, em certo momento elas trabalham juntas. O poder bem aplicado pode trazer dinheiro ao seu detentor, ou bens que se assemelham ao que o dinheiro comparia. Assim como o dinheiro dependendo da quantidade e dos que estão a sua volta, pode trazer para si uma sensação de poder sobre aqueles que dependem do seu provento.

Essa é a minha postagem de participação. Se gostaram deixem um feedback nos comentários.

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you made reference to current issues that not only occur in the countries you mentioned, which gives a global approach to the cognition of power which you made clear ...

Very wise when you mentioned to the Clintons and as currently they do not stop to return to power, in order to serve more effectively the evil Elite of which they are active members.

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There will always exist a correlation between money and power, the two are not mutually exclusive. Where poverty exists, money will follow power and unfortunately in well-to-do situations power follows money. There is an inherent tendency in society to follow this course.

Nice article. Good luck in the contest.

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I'd like to comment on football in Brazil.
Abd how people became depending on it there.
Does luck play any role in this? I mean as far as i know everyone is a footballer there.
How do they get noticed?
Kaka was a millionaire From the start as u know @vempromundo

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There are many variables, including that gave me the idea of writing a post just about that, how the players are revealed, if money influences or not when it comes to becoming a player, and other curiosities

And yes, luck counts a lot for some who know how to enjoy it, in the story of Ronaldo (R9) at the beginning of his career he took advantage of luck, the rest was thanks to him, I will bring this story too

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But it’s not all that wonderful.

People think of being soccer players, but it is the few who manage to have fame that will gain a lot. I do not remember the percentage, but it is something less than 5% of all Brazilian professional players who have a good life and with high salaries.

The Brazilian championship, despite being one of the most disputed in the world, is still held hostage by the CBF that controls football, so the awards are low. Clubs are few companies, most are political and those who are there just want to make money for themselves before thinking about the whole team. The country's other football divisions are very poor and precarious. The teams have a very low salary range, where many have to have other jobs to be able to live and continue playing ball.

So the one who stands out, goes through a "sieve" and manages to get along and leave the country and continue playing at a good level, this one will do well, but it is not the reality of even the 90% of Brazilian players and much less the who are trying to join a team.

And another detail. Brazil has lost the quality of art football. You can see that we never had a football star again. The last was Kaká and even then he doesn't compare to the others we have. Children think Neymar and the media make him a king ... which is not true. It is just a good player that in the selection of all times in Brazil he would not even be a reserve.


In Brazil there is a lot of level in terms of football so when a star comes out it is really good, since he had to stand out from so many who are really good, the same happens in countries like the Dominican Republic and Venezuela but with baseball, there is so much quality that when one of them stands out, what happened days ago when one of them reached the mark that the "Bambino" Dave had.

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In the past, yes, my friend.

But today Brazil is no longer the true star.

Maybe a lot because of the base where the technicians do not allow the guy to dribble and try something audacious. Everything is now touching the ball.

This made the country's football boring.

It has been years since a definition player has come out alone, with many skills. Neymar is good, but he doesn't even come close to the others we've had.

Fortunately I was able to accompany Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Romário, Rivaldo and other stars from the late 90s and early 00s


Vou listar pontos aqui:

(o que eu acho isso muito estranho e pertubador, e sugiro terapia)

Dei risada muito aqui e concordo haha

Sua abordagem de exemplo do Neymar foi perfeita. Que visão! Acho que eu nunca cheguei a pensar dessa forma quando se trata a questão de poder, igual no exemplo do Joaquim e eu lembro dessa época.

É incrível essa questão de poder apenas pelo prazer, independente do dinheiro. Agora eu tenho medo de pessoas assim, que já são assim e se tiverem mais dinheiro, e quando eu falo é muito mais... Ela até pode ter uma condição de vida boa, classe média e tudo... Mas e quando enriquece muito? Eu tenho alguns parentes que se ganharem na loteria por exemplo... Vixe quero nem pensar hahaha


Money and power go hand in hand, most of the time to further elevate the ego. Very successful your extremely interesting article, within this era where the power of some collapses the dreams of others.

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We watch the blue-blood philosophy go down in history

I remember reading a book titled "Master of the game" and the heroine in the story wanted so much to pass her father's business to her children.

It became an obsession in such a way that she ruins the life of her only son who still never took over because once he found out the mischief she committed came to despise her.

So she turned to her grandchildren, and even though of them was interested in the business, she did so with greed, so the heroine knew who the crown was for. It was the other sibling who did not want this crown as well.

But luck had finally shown on her, and she had a grandchild, who wasn't yet of age. But when she died, she knew with absolute certainty that the grandchild will do a great job with the family business

SO she died in peace. Power can be so intoxicating that we never want to lose it. To ensure that we don't lose it, we pass it on from one generation to another.

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Nice post @ vempromundo, you have used such great examples!

I will choose Power over Money any day. With power, money comes and it comes from everywhere.

Finances would be the least of my issues. 😁

This is why I power up most of the times ;) I want to have influence. It brings money automatically.

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Sometimes the shortest response is the most effective..so here goes..
"Money is Power"
Interpret it how you want, but i think you all know what I mean.

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this can be conclude both power and money have causal consequences, power can bring money and vice versa. its amazing explanation sir

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Dinheiro e Poder costumam andar lado a lado, mas para algumas pessoas, apenas a detenção do poder sem o dinheiro (como nesse exemplo do posto de síndico que tu pontou no post) já é o suficiente para despertar uma estranha sensação de dominância em relação as outras pessoas.


Cracking write-up here @vempromundo. I liked the mixture of examples alongside your views on them regarding the power dynamic they reveal.

I used to love watching Brazil play in the World Cup when I was younger and was always obsessed with the fancy footwork and ball tricks they did. I remember watching the World Cup final where Brazil beat Germany 2-1, not sure what year it was, and collecting all of the stickers for the official stickerbook lol.

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always obsessed with the fancy footwork and ball tricks they did

search for "Garrincha"

not sure what year it was

2002, our last time :(

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Reminds me of Messi. That's some skill and control.

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Some curiosities about garrincha, is that:

  • He had crooked legs, by a difference of almost 6 centimeters
  • They said he didn't understand much because they paid him to play ball, and that it was fun for him, but after a while he understood that that would be his profession
  • He was never sent off playing, he only took a red card once because he hit back at an opponent
  • Some say that in the field he was better than Pelé, but as Garrincha was very fond of drinking, his life in the fields was very short

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I believe we already have a lot of people who wants power, I think this is why the world isn't peaceful. And as for money? We have people too who would want this. Nevertheless, I believe our this isn't the only two things we can chose in life as the world in itself isn't just black and white. As for me I'll rather chose to find the satisfaction of working hard and contentment to follow then if I get money or power as a result of my strivings then I'll gladly accept it.

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Você trouxe várias reflexões interessantes e bem pontuais que dialogam entre, a do uso do poder para oprimir pessoas é uma coisa séria, e infelizmente constante, e dialoga com a ideia da dependência, muita gente usa o poder de outros, para oprimir e mandar em pessoas, e fazem isso até que o poder que elas tem acesso é retirado delas.

Outra coisa é o poder hereditário, sofremos muito com isso, políticos que se elegem e elegem seus filhos, temos o exemplo da família do presidente atual, ou políticos que em vez de pensar no melhor para a nação, de abrir mão do poder, querem ter continuidade e por isso escolhem alguém que vai manter um suposto legado e ser subserviente, e aí quando o "aprendiz" resolve seguir seu próprio caminho as coisas tendem a complicar, como aconteceu com Lula e Dilma.

Dá para tirar vários outros exemplos e reflexões. Acredito que as pessoas não deveriam ceder o poder para alguém só porque tem sangue x ou y, ou alguém recomendou, nem deveriam ceder poder para alguém porque é da familia, e também não deveríamos ficar dependentes, ou pelo menos não por muito tempo, de quem tem poder.

Poder é realmente uma coisa complexa e poucas pessoas que tem acesso a ele, usam ele da forma correta.

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Thanks for sharing your experience with money and power. People kill for these every day.

Two striking things were the kids in Brazil and their dream to be a soccer player. It's interesting the if they become a powerful soccer player they will have money which gives them another power and another responsibility.

The second thing that was striking was this statement:

Power is a transitory thing

This is true although at the moment it seems like things don't change we see years later the whole world was in transition. Other times the hegemony is more obvious. Somehow humans do this alpha male thing to the point that women are doing it to. I don't really get all the power struggle thing. So many suffer because of it.

There is a saying in Korean that when two whales fight a shrimp in the ocean dies. It is relative but the world's situation is one bully picking on a smaller bully. Every side is waiting for the other to apologize. Among the animals humans are some of the wierdest I've ever seen. We are given the greatest powers but are clueless about what to use them on. Most are just spectators in a twisted arena.

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