The POB stamp.


This publication was also written in SPANISH and PORTUGUESE.



We all have brains. But the question is: Can you use it to get the best out of it? It is with this question that I want (and hope) to start here, a possible discussion about what you consider a quality post. The idea is to show my arguments and, obviously, to know your arguments about how the POB community should grow (in addition to the numbers, mainly in content).

The fact that this community has a generalized tag makes it easier to adhere to the contents that are connected to her idea, but that does not mean that all of them are and need to be accepted. In my point of view, the idea of ​​the project is very clear, in relation to the types of content that should be posted, as to their quality and what they represent to the community helps to keep the community functioning.

There is no standard to be followed to create a POB post, but I think that here, one of the most powerful tools to create a post with proof of brain quality in its essence is creativity. Every day, we must improve it not only for this project, but in each and every post that we write and publish here, and in other tribes. A POB stamp gives you the opportunity to be better seen outside of here.


Conexão Freelancer

Striving to think and write in an interesting, creative and funny way will only benefit you. In addition to being better seen by other users, your posts will give you more visibility in relation to other curation projects and will facilitate your engagement with people looking to read quality posts. Strengthening the creation and maintenance of bridges happens very naturally.

Using the POB tag in your posts will not guarantee success here in the community, but you may be able to "catch" a few tokens along your journey. However, it is very disheartening to see posts that do not deserve recognition benefiting from these tokens (even if in small quantities), because these same tokens can go to other users who are struggling to get them daily here.

Going a little further... Why settle for winning only a few POBs (with posts of dubious quality), when you can strive to gain prominence and achieve much more? This helps you and helps other people, because there is a rotation of ideas that can inspire others to write better. The gain is collective and not just financial. Think about it, and you will go much further.

El Sello POB.

Todos tenemos cerebro. Pero la pregunta es: ¿puedes utilizarlo para sacarle el máximo partido? Es con esta pregunta que quiero (y espero) comenzar aquí, una posible discusión sobre lo que consideras un post de calidad. La idea es mostrar mis argumentos y, obviamente, conocer tus argumentos sobre cómo debe crecer la comunidad de POB (además de los números, principalmente en contenido).

El hecho de que esta comunidad tenga una etiqueta (tag) generalizada hace que sea más fácil adherirse a los contenidos que están conectados a su idea, pero eso no significa que todos sean y deban ser aceptados. Desde mi punto de vista, la idea del proyecto es muy clara, en relación a los tipos de contenidos que se deben publicar, en cuanto a su calidad y lo que representan para la comunidad ayuda a que la comunidad siga funcionando.

No hay un estándar a seguir para crear una publicación POB, pero creo que aquí, una de las herramientas más poderosas para crear una publicación con calidad proof of brain en su esencia es la creatividad. Cada día, debemos mejorarlo no solo para este proyecto, sino en todos y cada uno de los post que escribimos y publicamos aquí, y en otras tribus. Un sello POB le da la oportunidad de ser mejor visto fuera de aquí.

Esforzarse por pensar y escribir de una manera interesante, creativa y divertida solo te beneficiará. Además de ser mejor vistos por otros usuarios, sus publicaciones le brindarán más visibilidad en relación con otros proyectos de curación y facilitarán su compromiso con las personas que buscan leer publicaciones de calidad. El fortalecimiento de la creación y el mantenimiento de puentes ocurre de manera muy natural.

El uso de la etiqueta POB en sus publicaciones no garantizará el éxito aquí en la comunidad, pero es posible que pueda "atrapar" algunas fichas a lo largo de su viaje. Sin embargo, es muy desalentador ver publicaciones que no merecen reconocimiento beneficiándose de estos tokens (aunque sea en pequeñas cantidades), porque estos mismos tokens pueden ir a otros usuarios que luchan por conseguirlos diariamente aquí.

Yendo un paso más allá... ¿Por qué conformarse con ganar solo unos pocos POB (con publicaciones de dudosa calidad), cuando puede esforzarse por ganar prominencia y lograr mucho más? Esto te ayuda y ayuda a otras personas, porque hay una rotación de ideas que pueden inspirar a otros a escribir mejor. La ganancia es colectiva y no solo financiera. Piénsalo, y llegará mucho más lejos.

O Carimbo POB.

Todos nós temos cérebro. Mas a questão é: Você consegue usá-lo para conseguir ter o melhor proveito dele? É com essa pergunta que eu quero (e espero) começar aqui, uma possível discussão sobre o que você considera um post de qualidade. A ideia é mostrar os meus argumentos e, obviamente, saber os argumentos de vocês sobre como a comunidade POB deveria crescer (além dos números, principalmente em conteúdos).

O fato dessa comunidade ter uma tag generalizada facilita à adesão dos conteúdos que estão conectados a ideia dela, mas isso não quer dizer que todos eles sejam e precisem ser aceitos. No meu ponto de vista, a ideia do projeto é muito claro, em relação aos tipos de conteúdos que devem ser postados, quanto a qualidade deles e o que eles representam para a comunidade ajuda a manter a comunidade funcionando.

Não existe um padrão a ser seguido para criar um post POB, mas eu penso que aqui, das ferramentas mais poderosas para criar um post com qualidade proof of brain em sua essência é a criatividade. Diariamente, nós devemos melhorá-la não apenas por esse projeto, mas em todo e qualquer post que nós escrevemos e publicamos aqui, e em outras tribos. Um selo POB te dá a oportunidade de ser melhor visto fora daqui.

Se esforçar para pensar e escrever de maneira interessante, criativa e engraçada, só trará benefícios para você. Além de ser melhor visto pelos outros usuários, os seus posts te darão mais visibilidade em relação a outros projetos de curadoria e facilitarão o seu engajamento com as pessoas que buscam ler posts de qualidade. O fortalecimento na criação e na manutenção de pontes acontece bem naturalmente.

Usar a tag POB nos seus posts não vai te garantir sucesso aqui na comunidade, mas talvez você consiga "pescar" alguns tokens ao longo da sua jornada. No entanto, é muito desanimador ver posts que não merecem reconhecimento se beneficiando desses tokens (mesmo que em poucas quantidades), porque esses mesmos tokens podem ir para outros usuários que estão se esforçando para consegui-los diariamente por aqui.

Indo um pouco mais além... Por que se contentar em ganhar apenas poucos POBs (com posts de qualidade duvidosa), quando vocês podem se esforçar para ganhar destaque e conseguir muito mais? Isso ajuda você e ajuda outras pessoas, porque existe uma rotação de ideias que pode inspirar outras pessoas a escreverem melhor. O ganho é coletivo e não é apenas financeiro. Pensem nisso, e vocês irão muito mais longe.

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The criteria that you take into account are interesting, and due to the diversity that #pob offers to its users, a wide range of topics can be covered, but if I'm honest I find some irrelevant topics such as sports since we have a tribe specialized in That, and I see users who to get a little #pob leave their post about sports, and if the fact were that the content would vary but not since 80% of their profiles are only sports-related content, they are only looking for a benefit own more than something collective!

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Great point, @clicmaster!

You can use your brain to write about a lot of content and not just a single type of subject. In this case, the variety of subjects would be a very interesting aspect to be observed.


Really great advice, when I first started writing on the blockchain I was totally unprepared.

I found mysrlf writing with tips in mind and for the wrong reasons.

Over time I have evolved to write more engaging articles and although my goal is still to earn a little crypto for my work, I tend to be more creative.

Learning along the way is a big part of that journey and it is by reading great articles like this that we find the encouragement that we each need to do better.

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Learning along the way is a big part of that journey and it is by reading great articles like this that we find the encouragement that we each need to do better.

Many hive users are not pro writers at first but today they are great authors. Hive is a classroom to learn and practice

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That is very true, for me personally I felt I have evolved to encorporate more meaningful, engaging and interesting content.

This will be how I structure all my content going forward.

It is always good to see, read and learn from the work of others, Thanks for the nice reply

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I think many of us go through a stage where we try to use Hive like IG, Twitter or FB then can’t figure out why no one cares for our content.

There’s a unlearning of social media behaviour that is common and necessary.

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That is very true, its a bit like learning a musical instrument.

It is always best to learn the corrrct way from the begining to avoid bad habit.

Unfortunately with main stream social media like those they thrive on you learning and using bad habits.

Blockchain social is much better structured and encourages better habits and the creation of better crafted content.

This will be the main reason hive, pob leofinance and other similar tribes will become social media of the future.

By helping and encouraging each other to do better we aid in building a robust ecosystem that will persivre and last the test of time

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I have used the POB tag a couple of times, though I used to wonder what kind of post fits the tag. Now I understand that it's about creativity and quality content.

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Now I understand that it's about creativity and quality content.

Yeah, @blezyn. So, bring it on with your best ideas!


Hahahaha. That's a beautiful stamp @wiseagent.

And yeah, I hear you on that creativity stuff, it should be the minimum requirement when you putting a post down.

I share that pain with you about seeing even the least bucks going where they're not deserved, but well... We should just keep trying to stop that.

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... it should be the minimum requirement when you putting a post down.

Unfortunately, not everyone understands this.

We should just keep trying to stop that.

This is a long discussion, but there are a lot of people committed to working on it here in the community.

P.S: Yeah... That stamp is really nice, @nevies.


Usar a tag POB nos seus posts não vai te garantir sucesso aqui na comunidade, mas talvez você consiga "pescar" alguns tokens ao longo da sua jornada. No entanto, é muito desanimador ver posts que não merecem reconhecimento se beneficiando desses tokens (mesmo que em poucas quantidades), porque esses mesmos tokens podem ir para outros usuários que estão se esforçando para consegui-los diariamente por aqui.

Essa é minha sensação

E eu nem preciso dizer muita coisa né? A gente escreveu o mesmo assunto em um intervalo pouco de tempo sem um e o outro ler a respeito hahah

Então eu sei como tu pensa e vc sabe como eu penso tbm!


Conexão cerebral alinhada, haha!

Espero que muitos usuários também tenham essa nossa percepção.


I discovered Proof of Brain when claiming my tokens in Hive Engine. I don’t know if they were accidentally earned via pob’ers curating my content, from me unknowingly curating a pob post, or if they were sent my way to get my attention (I could have paid more attention to the source but I’m lazy).

I didn’t bother checking the info on the token and just started tossing the tag on everything. I figured pob was like Palnet, anything goes.

After some time, I felt uncomfortable using a tag that I had not looked up, so I finally checked out the information and URL. What I found was not helpful.

The blurb “write anything just prove you have a brain” is misleading. It doesn’t explain that posts should be a bit more polished, maybe educational, or more in depth than a one liner.

So, I still used that pob tag.

It wasn’t until someone suggested that if I’m adding poetry to POB then a little extra write up on something poetry related should be added.


There it was, the answer to a question that I didn’t even know I had.

Because, anyone who has a brain knows that someone can prove brain with a single word. Maybe even just a look, body language, sound.

Poetry itself is pob. Art? A recipe? All pob. But not quite what I now see is the foundation of this community.

Being around the frontend for a little while now, the expectations seem clear, but they weren’t.

I’d put money (or POB) on the probability that many others are having a hard time grasping what this community is exactly. A clearer explanation is necessary.

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It's a pretty diverse range when it comes down to it. We have a mixture of personalities here already who I follow regularly and enjoy reading about, I usually always appreciate what they have to say and if that's maybe seen as "circle jerking" then so be it, lol.

Everyone has a different set of tastes, but my go-to points for quality are the following;

  • Personal story/thoughts which makes me think and consider how I view something
  • Clean, neat, well-formatted
  • Artistry in the way of artwork, poems, music (all require some form of context, personal take or further information surrounding the process etc)
  • Fun, humourous, insightful, adds value through intelligence etc.

That's just a handful of things that spring to mind. You'll notice what I see as "good quality" from the lay out of the WOTW Merit System.

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You're indeed, a wise agent @wiseagent. You made a very good point and i hope many will learn from this as well. Abuse of the #pob tag isn't an helpful one to be sincere. If we all resort to the use of the pob tag on a non-pob related content on hive or other tribes, it'll jeopardized the essence of the community reducing the level of direct engagements on the #pob tribe and $value of it's token. Thanks for posting.

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