Give Me A Sign



Standing here!
I feel safe and secure!
Not only to share my joy but my pain
Because in the long run, that is what makes life worthwhile.
No! Don't get me wrong, I am not feeling pained at the moment or you can say I have mixed feelings as to what it is I am really feeling.

Each time I see a green light to go.
Somewhere, somehow, the red light reappears to halt me, pause me or stop me.
At such a moment, I don't know if someone or something is trying to give me answers to my undying questions.
I don't know if these are signs that I should probably slow down or take a break.
What if I am really on the wrong lane or road?
I am afraid of missing my track because it would be a total waste of time, energy, and resources.
I just wanna be on my track and be focused.
I pray for directions and I yearn for a sign.

I know what I want but I don't know if it's what I need.
So to avoid problems, I just want everything I need to align with God's will and purpose for my life.
I have tried, He knows I have tried.
He has helped me so far, so good and I continue praying for the grace and strength to keep holding on.
Maybe this isn't the right time just yet, and maybe He is trying to tell me this.
I just hope I can be clear on it and I pray soon I will get answers.

If you are reading me today, I am sorry if you can't find any meaning in this, but please just permit me to save this here.
It really may not make any meaning right now but I know that someday it will make a whole lot of meaning.

All the same, thank you for visiting my blog today or by just simply stopping by.
I still appreciate your time, upvote, and reblog. I truly do. Thank you guys.


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The bottom line is that you cant do things on your own, you just need him. The best thing one can do to help the whole situation is to dedicate everything back to God.

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