I will go for my Dream Kitchen

One of the greatest blessings, Scientific development has brought to us is the discovery of Electricity. The discovery changed several operations of the world. It opened up ways for upcoming revolutions.

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the kind of world we live in today is not imaginable without electricity.

Be it a common man or an influential person, all have a utility of it. From our day-to-day tasks and activities to serious governmental ventures, everyone is dependent on electricity in one way or the other.

Electricity has the potential to increase our productivity tremendously. Electricity-based machinery has made it possible to perform the work of months in days.

The benefits of electric machinery are not limited to the industrial sector but electronic appliances have made the lives of the common man a lot more comfortable and easier.

The menial tasks that take so much of our time can be accomplished in much lesser time with the help of electronic appliances.

I have always dreamed to own a kitchen that is full of such time-saving machines so that my work may be done in lesser time and I may spend the valuable asset (time) on something beneficial and more productive.

I haven’t been able to make my kitchen MY DREAM KITCHEN. Of course, one of the major reasons is the inability of enough money to pay for all these expensive appliances. I wish I may attain it someday 😄

If I ever get an opportunity to take anything from a superstore in 5 minutes, I wouldn’t give it a second thought and would rush towards the section on electronic appliances.

If I were to choose the mall too, I would prefer the one I am already aware of so that my time wouldn’t waste searching for the desired products.

At present, it is Imtiaz Super Store various sections of which are already in my knowledge. So, I would rush towards the Electronic section to collect the products of my dream kitchen.

The first thing I will pick would be a Dough kneader.

Chapati or Roti is the main item of our everyday meals. It is made of wheat flour. Kneading flour into the dough is a task I am supposed to do regularly.

It takes 20 to 25 minutes for the process of kneading. With a dough kneader, the task will be done in 5 minutes. Also, much of my energy will be saved. 😃

The next thing I will pick is Dish Washer.

We, the Pakistanis, serve one meal in many plates. (@kenechukwu97 said this once and then I realized this cultural fact). For instance for a meal like Pulao we have different side dishes such as sauces, Raita, pickle, and salad. All the side dishes are served in different bowls.

It makes a whole lot of utensils that are supposed to be washed. Also, the utensils used in their preparation are already in the sink 😵‍💫. You got, how many dishes I usually have to wash! 😬

With a dishwasher, the task would become easier. I will just arrange the dirty utensils in it, press the button and I am done. The saved time would be utilized in playing badminton with my kiddos.

The next thing I will pick is a hand chopper.

I do have a bigger chopping machine. However, it never works for small quantities. With a hand chopper, it will become easier for me to chop vegetables for everyday cooking.

The next thing I will pick is Hand Beater. It is to make batter preparation quick and easy

There are some other things that I will pick up on my way. They include coffee maker, sandwich maker, bread maker, and vegetable slicer.

I think some of the aforementioned products are heavy. It will take some time to lift them and put them in the cart.

I don’t think I will be left with any time in 5 minutes. Also, my cart will be full. So, my shopping will end here.

What will you buy if you have 5 minutes of free shopping? If you have something to share, participate in Hive Learner’s Featured Contest
Thanks for Reading this far.🌹



Thank you for sharing, sister @amberkashif. I continue to learn from you just by you being you. Thank you ❤️

BTW, I think it's fair the say these are things the common woman wants, right? After all, aren't you the one doing all the housework?


Thank you for sharing, sister @amberkashif. I continue to learn from you just by you being you. Thank you ❤️

Thanks for you !LUV, Sister ❤️❤️

BTW, I think it's fair the say these are things the common woman wants, right? After all, aren't you the one doing all the housework?

Yeah, common woman deserves to have this but they are not very common kitchen things in my country.

Juicer/blender is what I have commonly seen in all the households.
Chopper/Mincer is the second thing that is found.

I haven’t ever seen a dishwasher at any home in 32 years of my life 😒

Other appliances are also less common



You know what's funny? We have a dishwasher in our kitchen and we never use it! We wash everything by hand as we find it more efficient/easy. Weird, hey? 😂

I think if we had 3 or 4 (or more people) in the house it would immediately become more useful as then far more dishes are used at once. But it would take us days to fill our dishwasher and before then we'd want the same things again. !LOL


Aaaaaah! That's the irony......

We have no dishwasher but many people with many dishes.

Sometimes, the dishwasher may be filled with one-time meal dishes.

It is strange. How the world operates!


Electricity-based machinery has made it possible to perform the work of months in days.

This is true but it has also taken the fun and flavor out of things, especially in the kitchen:(


Seriously......? How has machinery taken the fun and flavour? 🤔


Hahah... I like how you allowed your imagination and wishful thinking to flow endlessly in this post. It's amazing and I pray you get all these Kitchen appliances sometime on the future. Hehe.

Having these around will make kitchen work to be more enjoyable. Even I would like to come for sightseeing in a kitchen like that. Haha


Very interesting ideas. You're right, money is more an issue than time... or the will. I've saw in some TV programs that renovating the kitchen alone ends up costing around €30.000! 😮 That's over 3 years of salaries over here... assuming we spend 0$. Not likely to happen!


Not likely to happen, seriously.

And in this time of inflation, it is beyond imagination

Thanks for stopping by


Hi to you,

my question to you would be: Are you the only woman running the household in terms of cooking, cleaning and maintaining the household space and goods? If so, your wish to have machinery is understandable.
If there are no other woman around on a daily and self guaranteed basis, like "that's just the normal thing", you are a lonely person in your household, like so many "modern women" are in my country. If you have a family to care for, like a father and one or two children, then three people already get you load full of work in terms of cooking and cleaning already. I think, what we modern feminists failed to see, was that the solution to that cannot be "replacing company by machinery" but keeping the company of the others close to oneself. But since the development in your country is on the same path like ours was, I think a way back to family and bigger families seems to be closed, as motherhood becomes a decreasing phenomena in "developed societies".
I think I am a spoilsports towards your delight of having all these nice helpers in your household. Which they indeed can be. If that leads you to be in more company of other human beings than less, no worries. But I am afraid, statistics show something else, if one bothers to look at them (or, can trust them).

Not only that the children are sent to day care but women become obsolete as a valuable contributor to private households if cleaning and cooking is something frowned upon, which it often is (as "lesser and dumb work").

I myself am having machine helpers, so I can tell they do not make me happier. They spare me some nasty duties, that's true. I would not want to miss the washing machine or the vacuum cleaner.

Anyways, that were my two cents :)


Helo @erh.germany....

I was away from online life for more than a month. Reading this of your message today. Hope you are doing well.

Okay..... So the answer to your 2 (×ply by many 😃) cents is not that straight.

Our society has its own complications and problems. For intantance, my friend settled in Canada told me that they just need to clean their house once a week. I was like "wowwww". We need to do cleaning with broom twice a day. There is so so much dust. Dusting a book shelf or a divider takes so much of your time. When it comes to broom, it is same. The nooks and corners of your house and so filled with dust every time.

Now about if I am the only woman doing household...... So the thing is that yes, I am the only one to take care of my two kids and a husband. My parents in law are also included in the responsibility.

But wait.......!
I am not the only lady in my home. I live in a big joint family living in a house divided in 3 floors. 22 persons in all. I share my floor with a sister-in-law. There are 5 kids and 4 adults sharing the floor.
The ladies of each household have their own families to deal with.

Yes, sometimes I feel a need to have a company of another woman who could assist me in my household duties but doesn't seem likely to happen at least in near future. My younger son (6 years old) does help me in doing some tasks like setting dinner table and fetching things from refrigerator. I appreciate him for his little love filled efforts.

As you mentioned about day care thing, there is nothing like that in our case.
From their breakfast to dinner is my responsibility. I have to help them in their school home work. (Actually, I give them proper tuition).

Besides, women in our society are supposed to have many other unnamed tasks such as ironing the dresses of the whole family. You know, too much of role expectations.
The other day, we had to go for visiting some relative. I was too busy the whole day while my husband had a holiday. He had been surfing tiktok and whatsapp for hours. I thought of telling him to iron his dress if he is that free. I COULD NOT. I felt like guilty within 😕. Though I know there is nothing wrong. Still I felt like that.


How about looking at your marriage as a training ground? For me, my husband is someone who very often puts me to the test in everyday life (he is a special person for me), because he provokes my weaknesses and pesters me until I simply don't put up with some things any more. I now welcome this constant friction between us, but perhaps I first had to grow so old to see it as a development opportunity for me. The whole thing only works if you don't take the everyday moments too seriously (anger is fleeting, just like joy). I am learning again and again to take his provocations (which can be perceived directly or indirectly) as a challenge, less as a fight.

I would therefore confirm that your worst judge is yourself. The fact that you would have liked to say something is a common phenomenon for all people, how often have I been annoyed by missed opportunities. The great thing about life is that it offers you the exercises you need every day until you find a way to react to such annoyances with more inner serenity. It is not a "problem that will always be solved from now on", but one that always wants to assure itself of your presence of mind.

Not to do certain things, but to let them be (like your husband who enjoyed TikTok instead of ironing his own shirts, for example), to take the freedom to behave in the same way. You would have this freedom if you were convinced that this was not a breach of duty but an occasional preference for your own pleasures, which would probably mean that you would also let him get away with his breaches of duty as "occasional". You can decide whether you want to ride on principles or give chance a chance. So I assume, without knowing for sure, that you also occasionally take time off from your duties?

If you manage to take them in a relaxed way and not as laziness or neglect of duty, a lot would already have been achieved, wouldn't it?

From their breakfast to dinner is my responsibility. I have to help them in their school home work. (Actually, I give them proper tuition).

You derive some pride or value for yourself from that, don't you? At least that's how I felt when my son was little. Although there were moments when I felt it was a burden. Nothing is always good or bad.


How about looking at your marriage as a training ground?

A training ground that is sure to exhaust us. !LOLZ.

I think this mindset can be applied to cope with most of the challenging situations. It would groom us. However, it is never easy. Especially with regard to spousal relationship, it is quite difficult.

The whole thing only works if you don't take the everyday moments too seriously

That's a million dollar advice. I need to work on it.

It is not a "problem that will always be solved from now on", but one that always wants to assure itself of your presence of mind.

True. There are certain things and attitudes that never change. It feels like you have solved the problem and you won't be encountering it again, yet at a later time, it stands in our way the same way.

So I assume, without knowing for sure, that you also occasionally take time off from your duties?

When I am seriously ill

If you manage to take them in a relaxed way and not as laziness or neglect of duty, a lot would already have been achieved, wouldn't it?

It would. Hehe. That’s something I desperately need to learn i.e. not taking them as laziness or neglect of duty

You derive some pride or value for yourself from that, don't you? At least that's how I felt when my son was little. Although there were moments when I felt it was a burden. Nothing is always good or bad.

It is the same for me. Sometimes, I do feel exhausted and burdened.

Thanks for stopping by 🌹. Hope you are doing well


A training ground that is sure to exhaust us. !LOLZ.

Not necessarily. The exhaustion occurs when one resists the exercise as such and it is supposed to be "easy". But if it's easy, we don't feel it's really worth doing, do we? Say: If I have the expectation that my daily life should flow without me being the water, and I am the lump, the struggle against myself exhausts me. Less so is the other person. It refreshes if you welcome it as an exciting challenge, then it can give you energy on top ;)

I think this mindset can be applied to cope with most of the challenging situations. It would groom us.

Yes, it is. This way of thinking helps me very often when I start to realise that I am fighting a lot unnecessarily in a situation.

However, it is never easy. Especially with regard to spousal relationship, it is quite difficult.

I experienced that it's difficult when you have a man or woman who has no willingness to mature and sees in the other person not a challenger but an adversary or troublemaker. Alternatively, a disinterested bore. It may well be that a marriage has brought two people together who do not both have a genuine interest in seeing in the other person the development agent.

It feels like you have solved the problem and you won't be encountering it again, yet at a later time, it stands in our way the same way.

Indeed, indeed! :) Thank you for rephrasing it, it's exactly what I meant. Life never fails the humor to repeat lessons. LOL

When I am seriously ill

Hmm? So you can only get away from your daily chores when you are seriously ill, they seem to be compulsory, not voluntary. Something you do routinely can stand a break in the routine, it does not in any way discredit the completion of your tasks, rather the opposite.
Leaving tasks undone/imperfect can be inspiring and liberating, and those around you have the chance to realise that you don't function like a robot, but like a human being. Exceptions that confirm the rule rather than violate it is what I mean.
But if you get the others too used to the fact that they are always guaranteed to find such things that are part of your tasks, they themselves will have little reason to vary their own tasks or to let them overlap theirs with yours. Such a duty programme can cause one to lose love for one's work because too little freestyle is missing from this working life as a certain spice.

Therefore, without making any insinuation, I would assume that you may be stretching out some of your favourite tasks and filling them with spontaneous ideas, while doing others more fleetingly and reluctantly. Those to which you devote more love or care are then the "free times, i.e. the freestyle" I was talking about. Otherwise, if you only have free time when you are sick, I would rather lovingly mock you and call you a (lousy) "martyr". LOL ;)

Marriage and life without extended family and village is a social experiment that has only been going on for a very short time, if you take a look at the long history of mankind. Women have always had their own domains, just like men, and they were strong and skilled in what they created and did together on a daily basis. Just like men. That now man and woman form small units is a new phenomenon and it is no wonder that there is a lot of failure here.

Thank you, I am fine. Very much, actually.
Greetings to you and I am happy to have a chat with you. Bye bye!


It refreshes if you welcome it as an exciting challenge, then it can give you energy on top ;)

!LOLZ. A lot of energy is needed to feel this energy. Hehe.

This way of thinking helps me very often when I start to realise that I am fighting a lot unnecessarily in a situation.

Hmmmm. I need to work on it too. 🤞

Life never fails the humor to repeat lessons. LOL

It's the irony. Every time it feels like we have learnt the lesson just now.

they themselves will have little reason to vary their own tasks or to let them overlap theirs with yours

Quite wise words. It's true. People start taking your services for granted if you keep on giving them without any value displayed by them.

Therefore, without making any insinuation, I would assume that you may be stretching out some of your favourite tasks and filling them with spontaneous ideas, while doing others more fleetingly and reluctantly.

Your assumptions are right. It makes me extremely frustrated at times.

Women have always had their own domains, just like men, and they were strong and skilled in what they created and did together on a daily basis.

You are right in saying this, but..........
I don't know what I want to say. Hehe. Feeling tired.

You know, what I am thinking these days. I need to be more disciplined perhaps to claim more time in my life for the activities I love.
