Ornamental Plants That Have Single Leaves And Various Colors

Purslane is a plant from the Portulaca family. In Indonesia, this type of flower is not so popular, many ordinary people have never even heard of the name purslane flower. Whereas in their daily life, they have seen this flower before. In rural areas, purslane roses can be found growing wild in the yard of the house. In fact, its existence is often considered as a weed or plant that interferes with agricultural commodities.



Have you ever seen rose purslane plants around you? This ornamental plant which has the scientific name Portulaca grandiflora comes from South America. This plant is also known as the nine o'clock flower because it usually blooms at nine in the morning and will bloom in the afternoon. The flowers are red, white, orange, or yellow with single, thick fleshy leaves. Purslane is also easy to maintain because it does not require a lot of water, so it is suitable if cultivated in places that have little rainfall.


Purslane roses are known as weed plants that can grow very quickly. This makes it suitable as a ground cover plant. Although referred to as a weed, this plant or flower has many benefits and attractive colors that have the potential to be developed as an ornamental plant commodity. Purslane roses are suitable to be developed in tropical countries such as Indonesia. Apart from being an ornamental plant, it turns out that this flower can also be eaten.

Because of its content, rose purslane can be used as a medicine for various diseases. For example, as an anti-hypertensive, blood circulation, diarrhea medicine, dysentery medicine, prevent hemorrhoid disease, hemorrhoid medicine, prevent urinary tract infection, deworming medicine, relieve asthma symptoms, natural detox ingredients, and provide a relaxing effect for the mind.



Purslane grows from seed. Purslane seeds can be planted directly into your flower garden, or sown indoors for planting later. The size of this type of portulaca flower seed is very small. So, how to take purslane seeds and when sowing is done carefully. Seed portulaca seeds on the planting medium by sowing without being covered again with the planting medium. Do watering using a sprayer so that the seeds are not carried away by water. Keep the planting medium moist, then in a few days the seeds will grow.





The flower pictures you share are very beautiful
