Should I Be Proud After Completing Education ?


Proud is a simple sentence but has a deep meaning, being proud of yourself is the happiest thing in our lives, usually pride starts from one success achieved, can reach a level of success so that it has a positive effect on ourselves. Talking about pride in ourselves we often associate with the success we have achieved. Well, usually the process to achieve that success is a lot of progress that we make, and usually the process is not easy, we experience ups and downs to achieve it.


Image By Emily Ranquist

In my life, actually if I say that I am satisfied with the results I have achieved so far, I am not completely proud. I have indeed completed my previous education with satisfactory grades, I don't mind, I am quite proud, can take a bachelor's degree well without any problems, although I have to study well to reach that level of success. Now what makes me proud here, I can finish my college, which means I'm half way to making my parents happy, and that makes me proud. But you know, even though I have finished my education and am now working, it is not enough to satisfy me, why is that?, because here I am not working as a permanent employee, so to speak, with very minimal income, and I have not been able to make a living. my parents are happy in terms of my work, although he never protested but in my opinion, haven't given anything valuable to parents while working with his own income, it's not something I can be proud of.

Therefore, I still feel that I can't feel fully proud. That's why now I'm very excited to take a step towards achieving my big dreams in the future, even though it takes time and the road is not easy I'm sure something good in front of my eyes will get even though it's not easy but if it's done patiently and try my best, will definitely get good results for me in the future. My best friend do what you like as long as it will bring you to goodness and success.

Never be afraid to dream big, because you never know one day, there will be a dream that can take you, to the point of pride in your life, continue to do good and be the best person in everything.

Hi, Hive Learners, thank you for visiting my articles and for the Hive Learners team, thank you for always supporting my content, and for always providing a positive theme for every entry in this contest. Good luck to all of you wherever you are, lastly greetings from me @arasiko.




Never be afraid to dream big, because you never know one day, there will be a dream that can take you, to the point of pride in your life, continue to do good and be the best person in everything.

very inspiring quote.

great success, will not come from a small dream. but from a big dream we will definitely get an achievement even if it starts from small things to bring to success in the future


Wow, that was interesting articles, good job mate. 👍


Indeed... We shouldn't remain fixed in the achievements of the past, and try to do better in future. That should be the goal.

Thank you for sharing this with us.


Today I saw you again wrote a very interesting article and you said something very extraordinary with that pride..
