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Generally, I think life is not fair to begin with, and that's understandable; It's just by design. In this little life that I have lived, I can say that I have been treated unfairly quite a number of times. Some happened because I allowed it,—I can be such a peacekeeper—while others happened because I had no power or control over the situation. Out of all my experiences, this particular one remains fresh and pisses me off whenever I remember it. It was one of those times where I had no control over the situation.

I was in secondary school then, in my second year of senior secondary school, to be precise. We had this economics teacher who was very intelligent; he would dictate notes to us offhand, and even if we checked the textbook later, he would totally be on point. The only issue with this teacher was that he was very restless and had quite a temper. Throughout all my years at that school, I didn't have any issues with him until this particular day.

He came to class to mark our notes and instructed us to line up according to the register. He had the register with him, but he didn't call it out; he probably expected us to know who we came after. My surname starts with 'A' so my name wasn't always far to reach on the register. I knew my number on the female register, but not on the general one, which he was using that particular day. So, I was on the queue, and as the person in front of me marked his note, the man asked angrily who had the name that was omitted from his register.

That turned out to be me, and I told him immediately that I was right there. Apparently, the person who marked before me was supposed to come after me, and my space on the register was blank. I explained to this man that I didn't know the boy was after me and that I had been in line. This man did not listen to me at all; he ordered one of my classmates to go get him a cane immediately.

I pleaded with him, and my classmates even tried to do so as well, but he didn't answer any of us; he was just boiling as if he had it in mind to punish me before. Since they also feared him very much, there wasn't much they could do. When this man eventually got a cane, guyyyyyys, he beat me as if I were an animal. I was very fragile as well, and I couldn't stay in one place to receive the beating. He was just beating me anyhow and anywhere; the class grew so silent. He marked my book angrily and swung my book to the floor. I picked it up and wailed to my seat; all my body was on fire, and I was in so much pain.

My classmates were just telling me 'sorry','sorry', as they looked at the man as if they should bite him🤣. After a while, my arm swelled up so much and I could also see that some parts of my flesh were torn. I could even see some parts of my body that had clotted blood, it was really horrible. I didn't report because I didn't want the man to put any sort of attention on me, and also because I didn't know what would come out of it. When some teachers saw me and saw the situation of my body, they asked who did that to me, and I told them. They probably cautioned him, I can't really recall. But then, it was very unfair because I made an honest mistake and decided to transfer whatever personal frustration he had to me. He didn't even allow me to speak for myself, I felt so powerless.

Thanks for reading❤️


Sometimes it happened some teachers are good some are very short tempered they don't want to listen they just do want they want to do.


I guess, but it is not a good attribute at all, I do hope he has gotten better by now.


What nonsense!
Does he not listen? Did he not hard you? If he had issues, he should fix them before coming to the public space. You can't deal with kids with that kind of attitude.
This one really pissed me off. Guy, e pain me!!

My further maths teacher in high school also had a temper. He used whatever object that was close by to whip students. One day, he almost hit one with an extinguisher. He liked me so much then that he'd never punish me irrespective of the offense. Still, these people should not have to work in these kind of sectors. Better yet, they should have to deal with these issues first.


Honestly, it was very annoying, he probably transferred his agression to me and it wasn't nice at all. Considering his kind of job, he could have handled things better.

This further maths teacher of yours sounds like a whole lot, good thing he liked you. Maybe they should offer anger management programs in different workplaces. Imagine if he was teaching younger students, he could land himself in some big trouble if he doesn't know how to control his anger.


That was really mean!!

And your parents had no idea about what this particular incident? He needs to be reported by the school management because the inflict was way too much for a student. I wouldn't take such mannerless behavior likely if I was your guardian.

Obviously, the economics teacher has a very bad anger issue and he needs to adjust in his attitude. This could destroy his reputation as the best economic teacher.

He should be grateful that I am not your mom or sister or family member, because once I see that marks he would be in deep shit cause of that. I will make sure to drag him inside and outside the school lol!


Lol, I guess I just didn't wanted any trouble or unnecessary attention. I probably told my parents I had spoken to a few teachers they were familiar with and that they already handled it. My parents are government workers, plus, my school was really far from my house then. I just didn't want to bother them too much.
