Joy came later after a gloomy experience


Famous Croatia football athlete, Luka Modric once said: "There are ups and downs, but whatever happens, you have to trust and believe in yourself." This is an addition to the fact there there will be no victory without a conquest because challenges are the food of champions. This is a victory story of someone i knew and I'm closed to who battled depression as a result of academic challenge faced during his undergraduate days in the university some years ago but who never gave up to achive his dream despite it all. We both met in the same university studying the same course (Pharmacy) in one of the notable federal institution in Nigeria. This course is a five year course with its own percularities as regarding moving to the next class upon meeting some academic requirements as compared to other faculties and colleges because if these standards aren't met, it can lead to a repeat or advise to withdrawal from the Pharmacy faculty to other departments.

We were both classmates back then in the university at 300 level but we both failed and had to repeat that same session all over again (i mean the entire academic year from the scratch again), this is really a challenging period for we that repeated (as i was affected too). We summon courage and started the year 3 (300 level) again knowing fully well it's our "last chance", and the end of the academic session, some of us repeated students passed and moved to the next class (400 level or year four which is the penultimate class) but some of our repeated student colleagues failed again and the worse happened which is they been advised to withdraw from the faculty. This person was among and he was really depressed by it alot for many weeks if not for both divine and human interventions.

He later summon the courage and left the University to another university (State-owned) offering the same course and started from year 2 been a transferred student. He celebrated his graduation from the University aswell as his professional induction last month and despite it all, he is a certified and registered Pharmacist now. He was able to scale through the glummy moments by the help of friends and families who saw the potential in him beyond the failure because often more than not, we are all guilty of blaming and talking down such individuals. I too enjoyed this family and friends support in addition to the grace of God i enjoyed too. Now, it's all the thing of the past as there was joy of fulfilment despite the hurdles encountered along the way. Through this, i learnt how powerful relationships are because against all odds, family will be family to stand by, help and strengthen any member in need. Also, i learnt not to give up on ones dream or passion because of current challenges encountered because life itself is full of challenges not to crush us but to make us better and be the best which we can be only if we believe in ourselves and in our abilities. Also, i learnt to trust God for help and strength through this experience because sometimes, the people trusted might fail but God doesn't fail. For this person, joy came later for him after his gloomy experience. Thank you for reading and have a great week ahead. Comments are welcomed.


My dear failure does not determine our height in life, we all have our experiences during our uni days, I am glad he summoned the courage and started over, some people will always dance to the tune of failure by giving up.


Well spoken ma
I agreed


I myself fell into depression when i was studying in university and for the same reason i couldn't study properly that effected my grades very badly.


Sorry about that
I'm glad you 've overcame it now
