
In life, everyone has that one moment on confronting fears. The beauty of life is that challenges doesn't respect gender, age, nationality or any standard, though the degree/magnitude may vary. It's wise to accept that life is full of challenges and that challenges of today are the success stories of tomorrow. It's good to prepare ahead for such moments better than been cut unawares.

For me, the first hit of my major challenge which i had to face was when i had an academic challenge during my undergraduate studies back then in the university haven never failed like this before. The failure wasn't anticipated but it came as a rude shock which must be faced. It occured in my third year in the University when i had to repeat that class (session) all over again based on the peculiarities of my course of study. I was a Pharmacy undergraduate student then and failure of some sort will results to a repeat of that academic session including the courses i had passed as no carry-over was allowed.

It was a challenging moment for me which i had to summon courage and faced squarely because it's like another opportunity which any subsequent failure can lead to the end of my academic pursuit at that time. I have of people who have had similar issues in the past and who later overcame it and moved to the next class. Also, I have heared otherwise but i choose to encourage myself and moved on. Also, i received support, encouragement, well wishes from family and friends which are also important at such critical moments.

I resumed that academic session with other affected students and it went on till the end of the session. This time, i had to restrategise, stay encouraged and ask God for help. At the end of the session, i passed all the courses with a straight pass and it marks a defining moment for me as i had no academic issue again till i graduated and was inducted afterward. With this experience, i learnt a great lesson of been courageous amidst challenges as there is surely victory at the end of not given up.


Now, i have overcome the fear of failure based on this experience as all i can see is success as i determined not to experience failure again. Likewise, i too have encouraged others to overcome their greatest fear even for some outside their academics narrating this experience. There is "truly light at the end of a tunnel" and it what the courage at the end of it all of not discouraged. The truth is that fear will definitely come at one point or the other, but the courage received by previous experiences always comes to an aid.

Challenges, failures occurs not to break us but to make us if we can only be courageous and bold enough to face them headlong with a confidant assurance of victory ahead. Fear is the stepping stone to unto greatness if seen and handled properly.
Thanks for reading and i wish us a great week ahead.
This is my entry to @Hivelearners weekly featured contents Week 110 Edition 01


We sometimes get scared merely thinking of failures. But these things happen. And it's best to not dwell on them but face them squarely, as you did. Fear, not failure is the enemy


Hmmmn 🤔
Exactly 💯
I agreed with you.
Thanks for reading and for sharing these powerful comments.


This kinda of thing happens in polytechnics especially the one I attended.
Once a course is failed at the end of the program, a repetition of that class with emphasis on that failed course is unavoidable 🥹.

It's good you summoned the courage to fight such fear.



@fab-tay! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kingsleyy. (6/20)
