FAÇADE: Sad generation with happy pictures.



There are times we need to compare the past with the present in other to check and balance. Life was vastly different in the past, it important we should understand our forefathers and comprehend their thinking by learning from them. Have we ever thought about how they accomplish some things without the use of technology? Now, if I'm to compare the present day to the olden days, the way you view it might be different from mine. Though I'm not born then but I'm gonna pour out my mind according to some histories I've read and the little experience I had during my teen.

The lifestyle of our forefathers with the present world.

In our world today, demand and expectation levels have increased, our lives are filled with a fast-paced lifestyle, and the majority of us are in the race to compete, and this is making us act ludicrously. We stack our lives with needless luxuries and distractions rather than appreciating the things within and around us. We are too distracted by technology and social media, we tend to watch other people's lifestyles instead of taking time with ourselves to know what we want from life. We judge each other at the same time. We don't want to follow our own unique way, instead, we are also trying to fit into the same box that we condemn.

In the past, when there is no technology, people would work hard, and follow some processes before they'll be able to achieve something, but now, the majority of people want the easy way out even if it is the wrong way. We find it easy to get things done through equipment, even with the simple things we ought to do with our hands but technology has made our generation more inactive.

In our world today, there are more youths with mental illness dues to the peer pressure of wanting to be like everyone, forgetting that the majority of what we see on social media are facades. We get brainwashed and distracted easily, we attack our brains with extensive stimulation and not having enough time for ourselves, but in the past, I don't think they are facing unhealthy distractions as we do nowadays, everyone worked hard for what they love till passion found them, they find happiness in what they do and they had more time to be creative. Viewing our world today, we are always busy pursuing what we can see on the internet and when we are unable to achieve those things, we become worried and depressed, Sad generation with happy pictures...

However, I'm not saying that everything was perfect then, of course, there were no machines, telephones, mobiles, etc, things might be very difficult, and they face a lot of problems, but they have the courage to face them. Now, we are too focused on feeding our shoulders with fear of what people will say or think about us(fear of the unknown), we want to impress others, and neglect our own passion, Let's focus on our ourselves and aspirations. What makes people unhappy is when they lack purpose and dissatisfaction. When we shape some aspects of our life like our forefathers, we'll always find the happiness that we seek.

Thanks for stopping by
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Good writeup sister, our father live for real while the present world put up fake lifestyle.


That's just the reality we should accept, the majority portray what they are not, and this making us to be far away from the truth.

Thanks for stopping by.


You are welcome, we can start portraying the change we want so we don't just flow along with the world, it's well. How's your day been


Greetings @maryjacy

We get brainwashed and distracted easily, we attack our brains with extensive stimulation and not having enough time for ourselves, but in the past, I don't think they are facing unhealthy distractions as we do nowadays

I strongly agree with your point here buddy. I guess this is really one of the reasons behind their health lifestyle.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️😊❤️


There's more to say about the olden days, but just this few things I stated speak volume.. it's high time we accept the reality and face.

It's nice to see you around, thanks for stopping by, have a nice day too🤗


Technology has taken the best out of us today that we don´t want to work hard but rely on technology to do the work for us, whereas, our forefathers were so active even with the manual equipment they used. Then, they were contented and satisfied, but today, all we want is to compete with others and if we can´t, we feel worried and depressed. We can only live happier when we choose to be contented and satisfied just as our forefathers did then.
