The flower of the Anthurium.




It’s native to the tropical areas of Central and South America. Its scientific name is Anthurium.

Its common name in my country is Cala. This is a dwarf species; the flowers are small and the heart-shaped leaves are dark green, these leaves are smaller than the large-flowered calla lilies.


It’s also known as the flower of love. I read somewhere that it was known in ancient times as an aphrodisiac flower, I don’t know if because the shape of the spathe is like a heart or because its spadix has a certain… phallic appearance.
This plant keeps its flowers for a long time. It’s nice to see the flowers for more than 15 days without changing their beauty and it blooms throughout the year.


The plant doesn’t have a stem, the leaves come out from the root and lengthen to end in a heart-shaped leaf, thin and shiny on the underside. The flower also comes out from a thin spike where a flower composed of two parts sprouts, one part called spathe and it’s a modified leaf, the shape of this leaf is colored according to its species. From there the second part is born and it is an erect stem with a cylindrical shape called a spadix. This spadix has many shaped dots that are the flowers.


It’s a plant that we can keep in the shade, with the indirect presence of the luminosity of the solar rays. They must receive humidity from the environment and the substrate must be damp but not watery, this soil should contain enough compost and gravel or stones to maintain good irrigation and water drainage.

If you want to transplant an anthurium you must remove the plant from the pot. With your hands remove all the dirt that surrounds it carefully and then you can separate the plant into small rooted children. You can place each separate plant with its own roots in a pot where the plant fits. You can't use wide neck pots, because anthuriums like to be in a pot with their roots tight.


This way you will always have new plants for this beautiful Anthurium.

I hope this brief information will help you if you already have or want to have an anthurium plant.

The photos are of my property and were taken with my BLU phone.

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