Drawing African Roses in ArtRage


Hi friends!

Today we will drawing again very beautiful flowers.
Like these ones... do you like they?

Африканская роза_гот_веб.jpg

And I want to meet you with another fine drawing tool in programm ArtRage - Palette Knife.

Кисть Мастихин.jpg

People who drawing with real oil paints know it very well!
Let's see how this tool works digitally.

So... Starting a work with making a sketch.
Now I tell you one more secret of ArtRage - how can making a colorful background.
When I create new file (Menu "File - New Document", set width as 1000, height as 800 and DPI 150, I can also choose a color of canvas (button as folder, I choose a black color now)

Новый рисунок.jpg

Here you can also customize the texture of the canvas so that it looks like real paper cardboard or even wood

Настройка полотна.jpg

There are very many different presets on other art tastes

Свойства настроек полотна.jpg

I needn't set a texture for canvas now, so immediately work to the sketch.
I choosed a Pencil Tool for it

Кисть Карандаш.jpg

and this preset

Настройки карандаша.jpg

I didn't use a concret photo as reference, just saw to some different shots of flowers named Prothea (or African Rose, I vvery like this beautiful plant)
It's my sketch imaged three flowers.


In next step I create new color palette like it was making in last tutorial

This is palette


Then I choose a Oil Brush Tool

Кисть масло.jpg

and preset named "Dry Clumps"

Выбор масляной кисти.jpg

I make a paint sketch with colors from palette


So, then I chose a Palette Knife (default set)

2_По умолчанию.jpg

In next step I resize a diametre of stroke and set a rotate as 90


and smeare a oil strokes to their forms

4_Первый цветок.jpg

Continue a work checking from time to time with a sketch

5_Продолжаем работу.jpg

6_Продолжаем работу.jpg

7_Продолжаем работу.jpg



9_Листья размывка.jpg

So I'll draw a beautiful background.
Create a new layer under other layers and paint it with colorful oil strokes


Then i choose another preset of Palette Knife named "Tiny Frost"

11_Tiny Frost.jpg

And smear a oil strokes to get beautiful picture like a winter frost


In last step I detalized a edges some leaves


And finally set a opacity layer of beautiful background to 80%

14_Прозрачность слоя.jpg

14_2_Прозрачность слоя.jpg

That's what a beautiful bouquet I got!

Африканская роза_гот_веб.jpg

Have a nice and creative day and be healthy!



Sorry to post editing too long - the platform did not uploaded pictures...
