Digital Portrait painting of a Hive blogger in my own style



I was going through some art post today and i saw the post of @gatolector where he showed his art process of his own picture. He also shared his insta account and i visited that and realized he has quite an unique cartoonish type art style.

Anyway, what attracted me most is his picture, i really liked the pose and emotion so i asked him if i could use his picture and draw that in my style.... He agreed and i have been working on that since then...

I took some things and added a few things into that, overall i think it came out better than i expected.... it doesn't look like him at all but that's okay because that wasn't my intention....

Here are some process shots and description:

I started by sketching with a sketch brush.... I used the rhythm lined method to determine the face structure. Struggled a bit with the hand though....

Screenshot 2226.png

I chose this square shape brush with no texture to start painting and shading... Choosing colors were a bit difficult because usually i go with a lot darker than this but i thought it would be good for a change....

Screenshot 2227.png

Screenshot 2228.png

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At the end, i couldn't properly shade the hand so after an hour of failed attempt i decided to use a texture brush and fill it with lightened color... Then, i added some glowing leaves on his face and on the side of his lips.
Later i used this same leaf with some blur in the background and foreground....

Screenshot 2233.png
Screenshot 2234.png

Whoever, you are, viewing this, i hope you liked it...

Its midnight now, so Goodnight all....


I love the way you painted her hand, with that golden hue.
The style is great, and the little details like the light in the eyes and the lighting of different colors in the hair definitely give it a special touch.


👋 Hi @masummim50, I was flipping through the blockchain and stumbled on your work! You've been upvoted by Sketchbook / a community for design and creativity. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon.

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