Green Portrait || Using Acrylic Color for the first time



If you have read or seen my last post then you would know that i messed up while completing today's ddc challenge. I started with pencil and pen but then shifted to this type of color.
Color that i have never used before and only had three kinds one of which is white....
Anyway I poured a lots of it, I mean more than i needed for the last landscape. I couldn't put them back in the tiny bottles because most of the colors were already mixed with the other and putting them back would change the original value.

So, i just decided to paint a portrait with those leftover colors. I used makeup brushes from my sisters' makeup box....
She doesn't wear makeup anyway. Can't remember the last time she used them.

So, this was a bit weird but blending those colors on the paper with brush was so satisfying and fun that i decided to try acrylic color more often. I just need to get some more colors other than green yellow and white.... Three weird colors that gave birth to this portrait.

I used a red pen at the end to draw the eyelashes....

Here are some process shots of this painting:




