Dear Satan: [The Punk Rockers Were Right about Hippies.]



Carl Jung's Psychological Shadow is about accepting the dark components of human nature as being possible expressions of the individual self, and then maintaining a tension of opposites within one's self.

The idea is that each human has the capacity for evil, and that rather than running away from that, we need to acknowledge it, and integrate this concept into ourselves -- so that we can actually get a hold on it, and it doesn't swallow us whole.


The consequences of a lack of psychic integration are Fear, Projection, Possession and Narcissistic Ideologies Lacking in Substance.

- Fear:
When we talk about the Progressive Left, and their Ideologies today, we see Feminism has basically swallowed everything in its path, and has decried the Patriarchy as being the loathsome enemy of all things compassionate.

Marilyn French's first and best-known novel, The Women's Room (1977), follows the lives of Mira and her friends in 1950s and 1960s America, including Val, a militant radical feminist. The novel portrays the details of the lives of women at this time and the feminist movement of this era in the United States. At one point in the book the character Val says, "all men are rapists, and that's all they are. They rape us with their eyes, their laws, and their codes.

It's not difficult for me to understand how this sort of divisive 'progressive' ideology has become the unspoken underlying current for feminist thought in a post #metoo western society. Particularly with the current administration blatantly electing pedophiles and their associates into positions of power, and the majority of the general public not giving a shit about any of it.

However, if we take a step back, just a small one. I think we can see that this sort of unreflective, pussy on a pedestal, "Goddess Worship" is actually both denying the humanity of men and women, and instead of actual First Wave Feminism attitudes -- such as those based on Equality, we're getting this reactionary bullshit that looks more like a social war meme than anything resembling a society.

- Projection:
The basics behind projection are that the OTHER is the one who is responsible for all of the terrible shit that happens in the world. In the case of modern hippies, the OTHER can be classified as anything but the most dogmatic liberalized ideologies that you can think of.

Do you think that there is something about the experience of bleeding from your uterus that makes your experience as a woman unique?


Then you might be a closeted and violent transphobe, who secretly wishes to deny the social identities of untold masses of people who identify as women as a gender identity construct, without having the existential, developmental, hormonal, or biological experience of having a uterus, or bleeding out of your vagina.

Likely you deserve to be beaten for this terrible transgression against the Queer Community, because you're probably no better than a rapist, right wing nazi.


What ends up happening here is that we end up playing a game called, "Virtue Signaling", or moral posturing, where we conveniently forget that we have the capacity for anything like horrible violence ourselves, and instead project an externalized "enemy" who is violating everything that we ourselves would never do.

Interestingly enough, the Right does this with Xenophobia, and the Left does this with Ideological Possession.


You know how when you're drunk, it's easier for you to act on your impulses. You are less "inhibited" This is because some sub-conscious component of yourself is dominating your expression of personality through your behavior in the duration of your intoxication.

Jung says the same thing happens when we don't acknowledge and integrate the sub-consicous elements of our own being.

Here are two interesting articles for you:

Are you a Ball Busting Bitch?
Chances are you're animus possessed.
AKA - You are woman, letting the subconscious male components of your psyche dominate your behavior in an unchecked manner, as an expression of your identity.

Are you a Spineless Wimp?
Chances are you're Anima Possessed.
AKA - You are a man, letting the subconsious feminine components of your psyche dominate your behavior in an unchecked manner, as an expression of your identity.

[Sorry Trans People, Did I just make your head a-splode?]


Why does this joke feel like it lands between desirable and untrustworthy?

And what about all of that great content on r/Niceguys or the violence of the Incel movement?

As it turns out, these Spineless Wimps actually end up having severe problems with anger and resentment, which indicate not only the deficits of an overly dominant feminine personality, but an under-developed, and un-integrated masculine personality, which ends up manifesting itself as TOXIC masculinity, and tyranny, rather than well integrated masculinity.

In all cases it's the OTHER who is allegedly responsible for these problems, and not the individual.

So we see a strange combination of Fear, Projection and Possession, causing a mixture of imbalanced psychic forces we'll call neurosis.


- Narcissistic Ideologies Lacking in Substance.

To bring this riveting article to a close, we're going to just leave you with these sentiments:

"You are Perfect, Just the Way You Are!"
"You are a God or Goddess!"
"Let your Love Light Shine!"

And a bunch of other garbage, self affirming ideologies that prefer to paint the human being's persona as a sort of glowy, radiant mask, where we are all supposed to compete for how perfect and celebrity our lives are, and how idealistically radical and liberated we are.

Some Design on Teepublic.

Certainly not anything self-critical or in touch with humanity. Mostly just sexy liberated, in touch with the earth, and with compelling paisley tattoos, and a yoga practice, and some well rehearsed political ideologies -- and most certainly either queer, female, non-binary, or a self-depreciating male.

The Punk Rockers were Right about Hippies.



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