Gantz: an amazing manga that deserves a new anime/ Gantz un manga increíble que merece un nuevo anime [English/Español]


Hello to all the community of The Anime Realm in this new post in the community I wanted to talk about another anime that did not receive a fair adaptation to the anime and is that the adaptation that had in addition to only take the first volumes also had a censored version which I take away enough impression to a work Seinen that could be considered one of the best published, today I want to talk about Gantz.

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This manga was made by Hiroya Oku in 2000, being an anime Seinen very marked in this genre (seriously very marked) we can say that it had a space of 3 years between its first stage (which ended in 2006 with 20 volumes) and then in 2009 the manga was finished reaching 37 volumes in total, The adaptation to the anime in 2004 was made by the Gonzo studio which had 26 episodes and adapted up to volume 8 (there were 29 volumes missing to adapt so we know it was a pretty loose adaptation) besides that it suffered a lot of censorship due to the explicit violence material of the manga and it didn't have the best graphic quality of its time.


This manga and its adaptation to the anime tells us the story of Kei Kurono (a teenager who does not live a boring life and does not care about anyone but himself) and Kato Masaru (the opposite in personality of Kei, a kind teenager who likes to help others) die trying to save an old man who falls on the subway tracks, but when they die they are transported to a strange room with a black sphere in the center and some people who are just as disoriented as they are, the sphere will explain to them what has happened and that they will have to fulfill certain missions that will have to do with eliminating aliens in which they will add points which can be exchanged for different prizes (I will not say them to avoid making spoiler since it is seriously a manga that deserves to be read).


In this manga and its adaptation we will see that the protagonists will use a black suit that enhances their physical skills (both strength and speed or resistance) and also have at their disposal a number of weapons (which will vary and improve as we advance in the story) in addition to the story has very graphic violence and psychological development of each of our characters (their motivations, His growth and even his wishes for the future) and this is one of the best points of the manga and that unfortunately in the anime was not able to show, the growth of Kei or the motivations and reasons to fight Kato make this manga a complete work of art.


One thing in the manga's favor is that they tried to adapt as faithfully as possible the volumes that they managed to adapt and is that this manga went through the same as Full Metal Alchemist or Shaman King, was a work that decided to be adapted without having the manga finished yet and therefore had to invent a rush finish for it, really the anime is not that bad, but it does not do justice to this great manga, also had a CGI adaptation for the Osaka mission, was really great because it took the most important parts of this and animated them in a great way and even had adaptations to Live Action (which I have not seen because I have never seen any that is good hahaha).


To talk more about this manga would be to leave you spoilers and really that's the last thing I want because this manga seriously deserves to be read and enjoyed, my only advice is that if you are not used to manga with graphic violence this may not be the ideal for you, but seriously it is excellent in the Seinen genre (not to say one of the best), I hope you read it to confirm by yourself this Review, see you in a next post and I hope you feel great.



Hola a toda la comunidad de The Anime Realm en este nuevo post en la comunidad quería hablarles de otro anime que no recibió una justa adaptación al anime y es que la adaptación que tuvo además de solo tomar los primeros tomos también tuvo una versión censurada la cual le quito bastante impresión a una obra Seinen que se podría considerar una de las mejores publicadas, hoy quiero hablarles de Gantz.

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Este manga fue hecho por Hiroya Oku en el 2000, siendo un anime Seinen muy marcado en este genero (en serio muy marcado) se puede decir que tuvo un espacio de 3 años entre su primera etapa (la cual finalizo en el 2006 con 20 tomos) y luego en 2009 se termino el manga llegando a contar con 37 tomos en total, la adaptación al anime en el 2004 fue hecha por el estudio Gonzo la cual tuvo 26 episodios y adapto hasta el tomo 8 (faltaron 29 tomos por adaptar así que sabemos que fue una adaptación bastante floja) además de que sufrió una gran cantidad de censura debido al material de violencia explicita del manga y no tuvo la mejor calidad gráfica de su época.


Este manga y su adaptación al anime nos cuenta la historia de Kei Kurono (un adolescente el cual no vive una vida aburrida y no le importa nadie sino el mismo) y Kato Masaru (todo lo opuesto en personalidad a Kei, un adolescente amable y que le gusta ayudar a los demás) mueren al tratar de salvar a un anciano que cae en las vías del metro, pero al morir son transportados a una extraña habitación con una esfera negra en el centro y unas personas que se encuentran igual de desorientados que ellos, la esfera les explicara que ha pasado y que deberán cumplir ciertas misiones que tendrán que ver con eliminar extraterrestres en las cuales sumaran puntos los cuales pueden ser cambiados por diferentes premios (los no diré para evitar hacer spoiler ya que en serio es un manga que merece ser leído).


En este manga y en su adaptación veremos que los protagonistas utilizaran un traje negro que potencia sus habilidades físicas (tanto fuerza como velocidad o resistencia) y también tendrán a su disposición una cantidad de armas (las cuales irán variando y mejorando según avanzamos en la historia) además de que la historia tiene violencia muy gráfica y un desarrollo psicológico de cada uno de nuestros personajes (sus motivaciones, su crecimiento y hasta sus deseos para el futuro) y es que este punto es uno de los mejores del manga y que lamentablemente en el anime no se logro mostrar, el crecimiento de Kei o las motivaciones y razones de luchar de Kato hacen a este manga una obre de arte completa.


Algo de lo que si tiene a su favor el manga es que trataron de adaptar de la forma mas fiel posible los tomos que lograron adaptar y es que además este manga paso por lo mismo que Full Metal Alchemist o Shaman King, fue una obra que decidió ser adaptada sin tener todavía el manga finalizado y por lo tanto tuvieron que inventar un final apresurado para la misma, realmente el anime no es tan malo, pero no le hace justicia a este grandioso manga, además también tuvo una adaptación en CGI para la misión de Osaka, fue realmente genial ya que tomo las partes mas importantes de este y las animo de manera genial y hasta ha tenido adaptaciones a Live Action (las cuales no he visto porque nunca he visto alguna que sea buena jajaja).


Hablar mas de este manga seria dejarles spoilers y realmente eso es lo ultimo que quiero ya que este manga en serio merece ser leído y disfrutado, mi único consejo es que si no están acostumbrados a mangas con violencia gráfica este puede que no sea el ideal para ustedes, pero en serio es excelente en el genero de Seinen (por no decir que uno de los mejores), espero que lo lean para que confirmen por ustedes mismos este Review, nos vemos en un próximo post y espero que se encuentren genial.



This brings back some memories. I finished the manga in 3 days. Just couldn't sleep with every page turner generating consistent hype. The finale felt rushed but the production took more weeks than the intended deadline. The line works and art style showcased on the manga made it difficult to render each page so production had to be delayed. GANTZ will always be a memorable story for me.


Yeah the final was a little bit rushed but was a good one even after that, to my this is one of the most amazing Seinen's that I ever read and really need a new anime like FMA brotherhood


I haven't read FMA brotherhood and slowly catching up to the old mainstream stories. I think Magi The Labyrinth of Magic series was one of the few manga I read that had a lot of chapters to keep me occupied for days. You might want to try that story out, kind of sad that they didn't push for more anime seasons on that.


FMA to me it's a shonen that will make you read all the chapters in a row, if you want something more mature I recommend Deadman Wonderland or Elfen Lied, those are a really amazing mangas, I will give it a try to the Magi saga, sounds really cool


Deadman Wonderland, now that's a title I encountered without bothering to know about. I saw a trailer of it years back and said to myself I'll watch it but slipped my plans. I didn't know Elfen Lied had a manga? but I finished the anime, only the music and some images of gore stuck to me.

The Magi Saga is worth the read imo. Adventure, fantasy, comedy, and has good character development. I just wished they had more content for other characters because of a huge cast to draw about. It also has a prequel where one of the main casts has their own journey to be a power player on the Magi Story. Sinbad no Bokuen.

Thanks for the recommendations!


Elfen Lied had a completely different story in the manga, actually it's really really good the anime doesn't make justice to the manga, with Deadman Wonderland the problem was that they only make the half of the manga in the anime but the anime it's really cool too.

I will give it a try to Magi, thanks a lot
