To OE or not to OE? That is the question.



This art is a commentary on the recent controversy on twitter over Open Editions. If you don't know what an open edition NFT is it basically means you can make a claim page and anyone can mint the art, you can set a limited time frame or leave it essentially open forever. Manifold implemented this feature a while back so it is now a feature available to everyone with no coding needed! Cool right?

A big part of NFTs has always been about scarcity, with 1/1 art usually being worth more and editions worth less Someone compared a 1/1 to buying the original art, limited editions to buying a print and open editions like buying a poster which I think is an interesting analogy.

Open editions have allowed people to collect art for very low prices from some of their favorite artists that would perhaps be otherwise cost prohibitive and has also introduced ways to offer super interesting mechanics like burn to redeem, raffles among holders, airdrops and other fun stuff.

Some of these open editions have sold like 10k and I have seen a ridiculous amount of angry hot takes. IMO open editions aren't meant for flipping and making a profit, they are to support an artist and to get some cool art for cheap! Again like buying a poster, you do not really expect it to increase in value. The angry flippers of twitter were however not expecting this, I began collecting all the tweets and used them in this art!

This is an open edition itself of course that can be claimed for 0.01 ETH:

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Open edition is new to me. Interesting thought about it. By purchasing artwork, not only are you investing in something that can increase in value but directly supporting the artist collection pieces that has some emotional value to collectors.
