A Story of Legacy



Once upon a time, a young girl stood in the kitchen, watching her mother prepare chicken for dinner. She observed her mother cutting the chicken into small pieces and adding some secret ingredients before placing it in a baking pan.
This piqued the interest of the tiny girl. "Ma, why did you cut the meat into small pieces before placing it into the baking pan?" the little girl inquired.
Her mother pondered for a moment before responding, "I don't know why but it has been done this way.. your grandfather did it the same way."
This answer did not satisfy her, so the small girl was still curious. She paused for a moment before approaching her granddad. "Grandpa, why was the meat of the chicken sliced into tiny pieces before baking it?" a little girl said. Grandpa was taken aback by the question. "My mum thought me this dish , therefore I was influenced to do it," he explained and later on the little girl sit and her mom tell her the true story behind it.
Your grandfather was a terrific cook back then; he always cooked different recipes, and I was always amazed at how well he cooked; he is a true professional in the kitchen. As a result, I was influenced to learn to cook, and this recipe is particularly essential because it was your grandmother's specialty.
As I remember your grandfather said that this is a unique recipe since it was created by your grandmother, who experimented with different seasonings and ingredients to include in it. As a result, this is a truly unique dish for us. So, when you're a big lady, you'll need to learn how to cook, and you'll need to teach it to your children soon if you want to start a family.
