Lover Unseen

This is one of the moments when words come and we write them down without really stopping to fully understand what our mind or brain is on about. Don't mind me LOL.



Come to me, loved one,
In the decadent night, stripped of silence
And holiness, let us abide
In the imagined lists of our limbs,
Let us reshape the bed to the shape of our sin,
Let us leave shadows on the wall,
To exorcise priests from their vestments,
Let's shame the devil and raise all hell here in.

Unbind me sweet lover unseen,
Cleanse my sores with your tender fingers,
Erase my hurts with liquid silence
Let me bask in your heat before I flee.

Come with me shadowed lover of my nights,
Let us fall from this heights
Into the madness of our wants,
Let us become shapes in the stars,
Blinking with our own code,
Let God know us and call us by name.
Unbind me and flee with me,
Ebony white queen of my heart.

I covet you like gold but I cannot spend you.
I must hoard like a miser each token wink,
Each smile, each pout of your sweet lips,
A memory that I can't let slip.

image source


Wow, I'm just speechless! This is so stunning! I just loved it. Your words, so accurate. I applaud you.
