The campfire! A 3 part weekend Freewrite 9/26/2020


As has become their routine, they seated their morose and silent selves on logs and stumps by the campfire.

In that aged pine forest, Charles and Ann marveled that nature was so kind, granting them their wishes to get away from the inconveniences that always presented themselves in the city where they always had to depend on the collaboration of others.

Now freed from old vices, Ann had improved her temper, and now the special affection that Charles had for her had relieved her crazy life, making her see the world from a positive point of view.

"Don't confront her," Mandy advised.

"treat her with affection and you will see how she changes, emphasized her friend"

Now in that century-old forest, Charles realized that Mandy's suggestion to ease Ann's signs of insanity were working.

With several days already there, with patience he had achieved what his infinite spending on doctors and specialists had not achieved. Already for Ann the simple details of nature, and her affectionate treatment had made her change and now she was returning to being that determined woman she had known.

For his part, Charles had rediscovered his intimate being in which useless things were leaving them aside, he already realized that the desire for money and the good position in the company for which he worked had not led him to the happiness. Now in the middle of that forest, with his wife Ann regaining her sanity allowed him to be closer to the source of life, something that he had not experienced before.

eyes got heavy

When the first night that they both arrived to open the cabin where they were now spending the nights, they both fell into a deep sleep since after that run over the mountains and locate the place where they were going to stay, the fat humanity of both made him gasp with exertion and excitement.

Already with the rest and liberation that the warm forest had given them, their minds rejected the idea of ​​returning to the crazy city, so Charles thought that perhaps fate had put them in the right place where they no longer needed the misleading offers. of the department stores in which many people like them in their time, remained in the darkest dependency and misery.

© 2020, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved

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Como se ha convertido en su rutina, se sentaron taciturnos y silenciosos sobre troncos y tocones junto a la fogata.
En ese pinar envejecido, Charles y Ann se maravillaban de que la naturaleza fuera tan amable, concediéndoles sus deseos de alejarse de los inconvenientes que siempre se presentaban en la ciudad donde siempre tenían que depender de la colaboración de los demás.
Ahora libre de viejos vicios, Ann había mejorado su temperamento, y ahora el cariño especial que Charles tenía por ella había aliviado su loca vida, haciéndola ver el mundo desde un punto de vista positivo.
"No la confrontes", le aconsejó Mandy.*
"trátela con cariño y verás como cambia, enfatizó su amiga"
Ahora, en ese bosque centenario, Charles se dio cuenta de que la sugerencia de Mandy para aliviar los signos de locura de Ann estaba funcionando.
Con varios días ya allí, con paciencia había logrado lo que no había logrado con su gasto infinito en médicos y especialistas. Ya para Ann los simples detalles de la naturaleza, y su trato afectuoso la habían hecho cambiar y ahora volvía a ser esa mujer decidida que había conocido.
Por su parte, Charles había redescubierto su ser íntimo en el que las cosas inútiles las dejaban de lado, ya se dio cuenta de que las ganas de dinero y el buen puesto en la empresa para la que trabajaba no lo habían llevado a la felicidad. Ahora en medio de ese bosque, con su esposa Ann recuperando la cordura le permitió estar más cerca de la fuente de la vida, algo que no había experimentado antes.
los ojos se pusieron pesados
Cuando la primera noche que ambos llegaron para abrir la cabaña donde ahora pasaban las noches, ambos se durmieron profundamente ya que después de eso corrieron por las montañas y localizaron el lugar donde iban a quedarse, la gorda humanidad de ambos. le hizo jadear por el esfuerzo y la excitación.
Ya con el descanso y la liberación que les había dado el cálido bosque, sus mentes rechazaron la idea de volver a la ciudad loca, por lo que Charles pensó que quizás el destino los había puesto en el lugar adecuado donde ya no necesitaban las engañosas ofertas. de los grandes almacenes en los que mucha gente como ellos en su época, quedó en la más oscura dependencia y miseria.

Dear friends

This is my entry for the 3 part weekend freewrite challenge of @mariannewest. If you want to participate here you have the rules at the following link.

Thanks so much for reading.

Waiting for your upvotes, comments and rehive.


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[Image gif authorized by @freewritehouse]


I think that many wish a change of life like that.
Good job, @felixgarciap
Living surrounded by nature may be boring for most, but it has its charms.


In your own city, Cumana, beautiful corners full of wild nature are very close. Thank you very much for your visit dear hlezama.
