Earthly paradise! / ¡ Paraíso terrenal! (eng/esp) A 5 minute freewrite


Earthly paradise

A chain prevented the passage to the forbidden zone, Anthony and Mary, two impetuous young, had always wondered what mystery was hidden at the end of that secondary road. The years passed, they both left the place, until now, being old, they still had doubts about what the forbidden zone contained, so they agreed they met again to go there.

Getting off the truck they were traveling in, they crossed the chain, they continued walking suspiciously.

After half an hour they finally found themselves on the edge of a precipice, where the beating waves were loudly heard. Ecstatic by the scene, they both laughed out loud, after discovering that the forbidden zone led them to the anteroom of the earthly paradise.

© 2020, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved

Image from

Paraíso terrenal
Una cadena impedía el paso a la zona prohibida, Anthony y Mary, dos jóvenes impetuosos, siempre se habían preguntado qué misterio se escondía al final de ese camino secundario. Pasaron los años, ambos abandonaron el lugar, hasta ahora, siendo viejos, todavía tenían dudas sobre lo que contenía la zona prohibida, por lo que acordaron volver a encontrarse para ir allí.
Al bajar del camión en el que viajaban, cruzaron la cadena, continuaron caminando con desconfianza.
Después de media hora finalmente se encontraron al borde de un precipicio, donde se oían con fuerza el batir de las olas. Extasiados por la escena, ambos se rieron a carcajadas, luego de descubrir que la zona prohibida los conducía a la antesala del paraíso terrenal.

Dear friends

This is my entry for the Monday´s 5 minute freewrite challenge of @mariannewest. If you want to participate here you have the rules at the following link.

Thanks so much for reading.

Waiting for your upvotes, comments and rehive.


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[Image gif authorized by @freewritehouse]

