The award! / ¡El premio! (eng/esp) A 5 minute freewrite


The award

Persistence is sometimes as important as being motivated by working hard to achieve tangible results in a reasonable amount of time.

This is how Peter thought, who in his work as a gardener always wanted to obtain a kind of roses with which to win the annual contest held in his city.

He participated every year and always kept the consolation prizes.

Almost on the verge of retiring again, he entered the contest, for which he wore his latest collection of roses that offered a delicate perfume with a bearing very different from the others.

At the time of the awards, Peter was surprised since as usual they distributed the consolation prizes first and his name did not appear among the lucky ones, in his mind he thought that perhaps they were no longer taking it into account.

At the moment of starting to name the winners, his heart raced, fourth, third and second place and they still did not name him.

The moderator with a powerful voice spoke his name, so he got up from the seat and took the stage.

A voice from above called out to him and with his eyes rolled he collapsed at the feet of the jury.

Everyone applauded without knowing what was happening, at that moment Peter received the award from the hands of his Creator.

© 2020, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved

Image from

El premio
La perseverancia es a veces tan importante como estar motivado trabajando duro para lograr resultados tangibles en un período de tiempo razonable.
Así pensaba Peter, que en su labor como jardinero siempre quiso obtener una especie de rosas con las que ganar el concurso anual que se realiza en su ciudad.
Participó todos los años y siempre se quedó con los premios de consolación.
Casi a punto de retirarse nuevamente, ingresó al concurso, para lo cual lució su última colección de rosas que ofrecía un delicado perfume con un porte muy diferente a los demás.
En el momento de los premios, Peter se sorprendió ya que como siempre se repartían los premios de consolación primero y su nombre no aparecía entre los afortunados, en su mente pensaba que quizás ya no lo estaban tomando en cuenta.
Al momento de comenzar a nombrar a los ganadores, su corazón se aceleró, cuarto, tercer y segundo lugar y todavía no lo nombraron.
El moderador con una voz poderosa pronunció su nombre, por lo que se levantó del asiento y subió al escenario.
Una voz desde arriba lo llamó y con los ojos en blanco se derrumbó a los pies del jurado.
Todos aplaudieron sin saber lo que estaba pasando, en ese momento Peter recibió el premio de manos de su Creador.

Dear friends

This is my entry for the Tuesday´s 5 minute freewrite challenge of @mariannewest. If you want to participate here you have the rules at the following link.

Thanks so much for reading.

Waiting for your upvotes, comments and rehive.


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[Image gif authorized by @freewritehouse]

