Mother's Natural Remedies | Day 997: 5 Minute Freewrite


Hi, everyone
This is my entry to the #freewrite 5-minute exercise hosted by @mariannewest. See details here.

Remember that Day 1000 of the daily #FreeWrite prompt is approaching and they have promised prizes and surprises.!



Natural Remedies

My mother belongs to a generation that trusts natural medicines with their lives. For her, natural medicines can be more effective than modern drugs; they can also be more dangerous. In fact, my mother lost her father to what we might call NMM (natural medicine malpractice) when she was only 9. To the lack of precision in the dosage you have to add some quirky rituals and superstitions involved in the process, from the procurement of the ingredients to the preparation and the application of the treatment.

Most of my childhood memories involve some home-made remedy either because I was sick or someone else in the house was. Back in the 70s my hometown did not have a real hospital (not much has changed since). If we were seriously ill, we had to be taken to El Pilar (35 mins drive S-E), Rio Caribe (35 mins drive N-E) or Carupano (70 mins drive). That was if you were lucky enough to have a car available to take you. In most case, no matter how serious it was (snake bite, fracture, delivery of a baby, kidney stones, etc.) you had to trust the local healer and light candles to the right saint.

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[End of five minutes]

Seven of my mother’s eight deliveries happened at home; none of them were easy, including mine, after which she said to have “died” for 12 hours. All the complications had to be treated with natural medicine. Thus, we have to give it to those who came up with the right plant/seed/fruit/root/animal/rock or combination of those. Throughout her live, my mother accumulated and mentally compiled the natural medicine wisdom of her grandmother, her comadre and midwife, along with a natural instinct she developed to intuit the use of certain plants.

She once told me she had been suffering of a certain illness and after several days of excruciating pain she begged for some sort of illumination. She gathered all her strength and wander around the garden touching every plant, weed, or bush until she FELT it. She grabbed a bunch of leaves from the plant that somehow had revealed its healing powers to her, boiled it in a pot and drank from it. She told me she was better the same day.

Despite all her successes with natural medicine, though (I myself was cured of several illnesses during the 18 years I lived under her roof), my mother never got over the loss of her father, and even though she was only 9, I guess she blames herself for not having been big enough to monitor his treatment. My grandfather had had a tooth pulled. He was a hard working man, with the biggest of hearts. He ran a grocery store that provided basic supplies for the townspeople as well as for those who lived in the hills surrounding the town. He would give away shoes or food to anyone in need. The thankful ones would repay him eventually at least in kind (fruits, vegetables, farm animals), other would just disappear from their lives; but my grandfather never paid too much attention to that.

After he had his tooth pulled (no dentists, no anesthesia) he did not rest as it was advised. A hemorrhage occurred and someone gave them a natural remedy that involved a lime slightly heated over the fire. According the healer the lime had to be heated without allowing it to break. Then, it had to be robbed around the jaw. If it did break and the juices were spilled, it had to be discarded. Apparently whoever administered the remedy did not pay much attention to that last detail. My grandfather died the next day.

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Coincidentally, two days ago I talked to her about this. I had given a notebook to her some time ago in order for her to start writing all the natural remedies she knows about. She had not done it. She promised me she will. It may be difficult, though to procure some of the ingredients. Many of the plants she knew about when young have disappeared from our towns and most are harder to get by in cities.

It will be nice, though, to have all her wisdom and stories compiled. Chicken soup for my soul and probably for hers as well.

Thanks for your visit

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You had a great blessing having been treated since childhood by your mother's natural remedies, I think that these days it is convenient to use them again. Regards @hlezama.


I truly was, @felixgarciap
I remember all kinds of people coming to my house to ask my mother for advice and suggestions to treat diferent illnesses. She did not always have an answer, but we survived thanks to her. She was our first response unit.
She has this amazing story of one of my brother's clinical death and further resucitation. He was suffering from asthma or something like that and by the time she took him to the medicatura my brother looked "dead". The doctor was young and scared. He said there was nothing to do. My mother refused to accept that her son was dead, took him back home and started a battery of natural remedies. The SOB survived. He is a pretty bad ass now.


Leo tu historia de vida y recuerdo a mi abuela Eugenia. Tenía la misma habilidad de tu madre: conocer el poder de cada planta. Lástima que con su muerte, se perdió ese conocimiento. Ojalá tu madre se anime a escribir y las próximas generaciones Lezama puedan beneficiarse de esa sabiduría natural, tan propicia en estos tiempos de escasez e inflación. Saludos, querido!


Gracias a ti por tu comentario.
Creo que todos los de nuestra generación compartimos historias similares; la dicha de esos viejos y la frustración de no haber conservado más cosas de ellos.
Por suerte esta coyuntura nos ha hecho retmar la senda. Para algunos aún hay tiempo de recuperar algo de ese pasado sabio.


I think your grandmother is a smart lady. In my opinion natural is better.


Thanks a lot for sharing this story about your mother and family @hlezama, there is a lot to learn from natural medicine, but as you said the dosage is a real problem, and I am sorry about your grandfather, keep up your great work, it's awesome.

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Thank you guys. 😁


This was a very interesting story. I always agreed natural medicine is beneficial. It's super helpful with so many things as long as it's administered properly. In my humble opinion, I believe a balance of that & modern Western medicine can be very effective, especially when you have that synergistic relationship. Thank you so much for sharing & sending positive vibes your way. Keep up the great work! You Are Awesome! 👍💚___

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@pixiepost - Comment Moderator

The goal of this project is to "highlight Awesome Content, and growing the Hive ecosystem by rewarding it".


Genial post muy auténtico, para quien no sepa como es vivir en Venezuela pude llegar a pensar que es realismo mágico,gracias por compartir, saludos fraternos...✌️


Jaja. Gracias, @jakim7. Siempre lo he dicho, en nuestro mundo la realidad supera la ficción.


I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather. All medicine must be used carefully - even or especially natural remedies.
Do you have a way to record your mom? Maybe in a conversation with you, she will give you all the recipes.
And then, collectively, we need to grow those plants...


Thanks, @mariannewest

I have recorded my mother's voice telling stories and singing songs she composed herself (most of them really sad). I bought her a tape recorder years ago when i was attending grad school in the states. She used to send me preiodically her tapes with all kinds of stories and updates about the family. At the time i did not think about the natural medicine recipes.
SHe is not living with me now and because of all the complications with the pandemic who knows when i will be able to visit her, but it is in my plans to record as much as time allos us too. I already instructed her to start writing them down on a notebook.


I think it is a good thing that you are doing that. I had a plan to interview my mom about our family history and somehow never got to it.
Now, nobody really remembers all the old stories... I guess lost forever...


Very sad about your grandfather but an interesting story, some of those old remedies do work but some sadly not. As I was the oldest grandchild, my grandmother's book on old remedies was given to me; some real scary remedies and rituals! Your story reminded me about that book, I must take a peek at that again.


Thanks for stopping by, @lizelle.
True, natural medicine can be tricky, to say the least, especially when there more speculation than rigor in their preparation.
I remember once one of my brothers ran into an edition of a book of indigenous remedies. He started to practice with his buddies and almost killed one with a purgative. Wrong dosage.
