5 Minute Weekend Freewrite Prompt | First of many weekend prompts...


It has been a long while since I last did my weekend prompts. And today, I decided it was time to pick back up the wisdom of the words and let the words slowly flow out.

Let's start the first prompt...

It was still early and the sun had not fully risen but I was already wide awake. Looking out at the courtyard, I decided it was time to get some outdoor activities. As I walked down the staircase, I had the image of myself that ...

I wondered the yard alone with the garden hose in my right hand while I had a glass of orange juice in the other.

That was a rather odd thought as I knew I would do neither task especially at this time of the day. I may just end up doing some simple stretching exercise at the yard but that was it. I wasn't the type to have excessive workouts; just didn't have the stamina for it even when I was younger.

Photo by RF._.studio from Pexels

And the Intermediate prompt continues...

I heard a loud scream and it came from the kitchen. I rushed in without even thinking as I recognised the sound. It was Mother and I found her on her feet but leaning on the pantry door for support. Both hands on her chest; fist gripping onto her yellow flowered apron, the one that Granny had bought for her last summer. I could see she was in pain. "Mother?" I said out loud.

Before I could reach her, her face turned white and at last Mother fell and lay gasping on the floor. I screamed out for anyone who could help me. Yet, I knew it was pointless. No one was home except the two of us and it has been like that for over 2 years. Father passed away due to heart failure and Sabrina, my eldest sister had moved out to pursue her career in the States.

Finally, the last prompt...

And since then, I've been the leader of the house and because I am a man or at least I was born as one, I had to take on the rails from my Father and look after Mother who had fallen into deep depression, one for the loss of Father, second for Sabrina's betrayal in leaving the family behind and lastly, me for undergoing a full transgender operation. It was too much for her to bear and since then, not only has she been isolating herself from family members and friends but also myself, her only child that was willing to leave a high profile career in New York and come stay with her in the outskirts of Paris city.

Looking down at Mother's motionless body, I knew I had to act fast. This wasn't her first heart attack and it might not be her lasts. As I reach for my mobile phone that was laying on the kitchen table, I felt something gripped me. I turned around and it was Mother but there was something strange about Mother. Her eyes was green and oh no...




Oh NO!!!! Color me gone!!!



Oh no... Zombie??? I watched the recent Korean zombie show.. And was thinking of Zombie.. Or some ghost. Awesome read!


It painful watching our beloved one take their last breath. I could only imagine your plight as a man alone with your mum. Nice fiction
