Day 889: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: Cat Ladies of the Apocalypse



Kids these days.

None of them really has a clue about what things were like before The Collapse. How do you explain surfing through YouTube music videos to someone who’s never seen a functioning monitor? When us old farts reminisce about still being able to buy gasoline for under a hundred dollars a gallon, what can that mean to a teenager who’s never seen a car do anything but sit there and rust and wouldn’t know what paper money was if you handed it to him to wipe his butt with? Hell, these kids think “running water” means a river.

So I didn’t even try to tell Charlie’s boy about things before The Collapse when he told me with pride about the price haggling he did with the Cat Lady to get the price for that tabby down to 27 eggs and a pair of pliers. He’d never believe that there used to be people who had dozens or even hundreds of cats as pets — it would be as impossible a concept to him as that people used to actually go to the moon. Cat Ladies capture and sell cats as food, “everybody knows that” he’d say.


Written in response to the #freewrite challenges that @mariannewest has been posting.


Post beneficiaries:
5% -
5% - @peakd

Pixabay image


Yup. That is what he would say.
And this reminds me of a story when lots of cats disappeared in the neighborhood. Then, one day, our dog came to the house with a cleanly cut cat paw in his mouth. Long story short - new immigrants had moved in a few houses down who thought that America was indeed a wonderful country where food just walked into your backyard...
